How To Minor in English

Are you interested in minoring in English?  Maybe you're a History or Political Science major hoping to enhance your profile for Law School, or a Computer Science major seeking to build your skills in digital, technical, and business writing. Perhaps you're majoring in Elementary Education and want to gain a background in creative writing, genre, and English instruction. Or maybe you love literature and want to learn more about how to build a life in writing and the arts. 

Whatever your interests, minoring in English at Southern is simple: the minor consists of 18 credits, which allow you to focus on the history of British, American, and Multicultural Literature, Creative Writing, or Professional Writing, according to four pathways. The English Department also participates in several interdisciplinary minors, like the minor in Renaissance Studies. 

Students studying

English Minor Pathways

English minors take at least 6 courses in the minor, according to one of the following specializations:


  • ENG 307 Literary Analysis for English Majors
  • One course in multicultural literature (300- or 400-level, not including ENG 317)
  • Four or more literature courses (300- or 400-level) of your choice in literature (ENG and/or LIT)

Creative Writing

  • ENG 307 Literary Analysis for English Majors
  • One course (300- or 400-level) in modern or contemporary literature (20th or 21st century)
  • Four courses in the writing of fiction and/or poetry (not including ENG 201)

Professional Writing

  • Four courses in professional writing (ENG)
  • One cognate in journalism (JRN)
  • One cognate in media studies (MDS)

English Minor for Education Majors - Language, Literature, and Writing

Education majors, particularly Elementary and Special Education majors, who wish to minor in English as part of their interdisciplinary second major select this program of study. 

  • ENG 307 Literary Analysis for English Majors
  • Courses in Grammar and Young Adult Literature
  • Three courses (300- or 400-level ENG and/or LIT)

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Renaissance Studies

This is an interdisciplinary program at SCSU. The minor is based on a combination of your interests and consultation with the program coordinator (Professor Joel Dodson,

  • Three courses in Historical and Intellectual Foundations of the Renaissance (History, Philosophy, Political Science, or Art)
  • Three courses in The Renaissance Imagination (English, World Languages and Literatures, or Art)

Declaring the Minor

To declare a minor in English, stop in to speak to one of our staff or faculty members in the English Department office at Engleman D265A, or visit the Selection of Degree Program page directly in Banner. While faculty advisors are not formally assigned to English minors, contact the English Department Chair or Assistant Chair to request direction from an advisor in selecting your courses, or speak to one of English your instructors for further assistance.