Honors 495/493
Students with an approved prospectus (HON 494/92) are enrolled in HON 495/493
Steps for HON 495/493 (Thesis II)
- Student completes draft of honors thesis with approval of Thesis Advisor
- Student sends draft to UR and SR
- Student meets (if necessary) with UR and SR regarding revisions
- Student sends final draft of thesis to DC
- Student meets (if necessary) with DC regarding revisions
- Student schedules thesis defense (with approval of Thesis Advisor)
- Student defends thesis and obtains signatures of committee prior to date of Honors Convocation
- Student fills out Honors Convocation Application and sends it to UHTC Chairperson
- Student sends thesis signature page & thesis to UHTC Chairperson via email, pettoc1@southernct.edu