Honors Thesis Information Calendar
HON 494 Calendar
Due Dates | Tasks |
By the end of add/drop (preferably during the previous semester) |
Submit the HON494 Application with the signatures of the Thesis Advisor and Department Chair to UHTC Chair Dr. Bessenoff (bessenoffg1@southernct.edu) |
Upon approval of the UHTC Chair |
The registrar creates the HON494 section in the Thesis Advisor's name and the student registers for the course |
2nd or 3rd week of the semester | Candidates and Advisors invited to an orientation meeting with the UHTC Chair |
Mid-October (for Fall) Mid-March (for Spring) |
Submit an electronic copy of your completed Thesis Committee Form to UHTC Chair Dr. Bessenoff (bessenoffg1@southernct.edu) |
November (for Fall) April (for Spring) |
University Reader & Department Chair send approval (or request for revisions) to Thesis Candidate and Thesis Advisor |
Late November/early December (for Fall) Late April/early May (for Spring) |
Submit electronic copies of your completed Thesis Prospectus document and your Prospectus Signature Page to UHTC Chair |
Last day of classes | Final date to receive approval of your Thesis Prospectus & submit prospectus and signature page to UHTC Chair |
Upon approval of UHTC Chair | The registrar creates the HON495 section in the Thesis Advisor’s name and the student registers for the course |
HON 495 Calendar
Due Dates |
Tasks |
By the end of add/drop (preferably during the previous semester) | Send approved Prospectus & Signature Page to UHTC Chair Dr. Bessenoff (bessenoffg1@southernct.edu) |
Upon approval of UHTC Chair | The registrar creates the HON495 section in the Thesis Advisor’s name and the student registers for the course |
2nd or 3rd week of the semester | Candidates and Advisors invited to an orientation meeting with the UHTC Chair |
Mid-October (for Fall) Mid-March (for Spring) |
Select the target date for thesis defense in consultation with the Thesis Committee and inform UHTC Chair, Dr. Gayle Bessenoff (bessenoffg1@southernct.edu) of the date, time, and location |
November (for Fall) April (for Spring) |
University Reader & Department Chair send approval (or request for revisions) to Thesis Candidate and Thesis Advisor |
One month prior to the thesis defense date | Provide the Thesis Advisor with the final draft of the thesis and make necessary revisions |
Two weeks prior to the thesis defense date |
With the approval of the Thesis Advisor, distribute the final draft of the thesis to the Thesis Committee. Solicit comments for revision (if necessary) from Committee members. In consultation with Thesis Advisor develop a thesis defense presentation. |
Two to Three days prior to the thesis defense date | Send reminders of the defense date to the Thesis Committee & UHTC Chairperson |
At Thesis Defense |
Complete the Thesis Signature Page and obtain signatures from Committee Members |
After the Thesis Defense & before the last day of exams | Submit an electronic copy of the Thesis Signature Page, Abstract, and Completed Thesis to UHTC Chair Dr. Gayle Bessenoff (bessenoffg1@southernct.edu) |