Committee Members Roles and Responsibilities
Thesis Advisor
Primary advisor selected by the student.
HON 494/492
- receives 0.5 credits for advising the student
- supervises the student’s development of the thesis prospectus
- approves the final prospectus document before the student submits it to Thesis Committee (including at least the University Reader at this stage)
- mediates in cases where the University Reader does not approve the prospectus*
- signs prospectus signature page
- submits grade for HON 494/492
HON 495/493
- 0.5 credits for advising the student
- continues to guide the student in the development of the thesis
- approves the final draft of the thesis before the student submits it to the members of the Thesis Committee (including at least the University Reader and Second Reader at this stage)
- mediates in cases where the University Reader and/or Second Reader do not approve the draft of the thesis*
- attends thesis defense and votes on whether to approve thesis
- signs thesis signature page
- submits grade for HON 495/493
*The UHTC Chairperson may be invited into these discussions if necessary.
University Reader (UR)
Selected by the student in consultation with the Thesis Advisor.
HON 494/492
- reviews the thesis prospectus
- provides feedback (if necessary) for revision
- communicates with student and Thesis Advisor regarding revision (if necessary)
- approves thesis prospectus
- signs prospectus signature page
HON 495/493
- reviews final draft of thesis
- provides feedback (if necessary) for revision
- communicates with student and Thesis Advisor regarding revision (if necessary)
- attends thesis defense and votes on whether to approve thesis
- signs thesis signature page
Second Reader (SR)
Selected by the student in consultation with the Thesis Advisor
HON 494/492
- has no official responsibilities at the prospectus stage
HON 495/493
- reviews final draft of thesis
- provides feedback (if necessary) for revision
- communicates with student and Thesis Advisor regarding revision (if necessary)
- attends thesis defense and votes on whether to approve the thesis
- signs thesis signature page
Department Chairperson (DC)
HON 494/492
- approves the student for enrollment in HON 494/492.
- approves the thesis prospectus after it has been approved by the Thesis Advisor and UR
- signs prospectus signature page
HON 495/493
- reviews final draft of thesis
- attends thesis defense (if possible) and votes on whether to approve thesis
- signs thesis signature page