Honors 495
Honors 495: Departmental Thesis
Students will spend this second semester completing the honors thesis project, writing a final report or thesis, and presenting their work at a thesis defense meeting.
Steps for HON495 (Departmental Honors)
- Student completes the thesis project as outlined in the approved prospectus. If the project includes research with human or animal subjects, the student must obtain approval from the IRB or IACUC (respectively) before collecting any data.
- Student works on drafting a formal Honors Thesis document with their thesis advisor. The format is determined by the thesis advisor based on requirements for the student’s specific field of study.
- The student contacts the University Reader and Second Reader to schedule a target date for the thesis defense (oral presentation). Ideally, this should be done mid-October (Fall) or mid-March (Spring).
- Student distributes an advisor-approved final draft of the thesis document to the University Reader, Second Reader, and Department Chairperson at least two weeks before the defense. Ideally, this should be done by the beginning of November (Fall) or April (Spring).
- The student finalizes the date of the thesis defense and reserves a room. The last possible date to successfully defend the thesis is the last day of final exams.
- Student defends thesis and obtains signatures of the committee on the Honors Thesis Defense Signature Sheet. The student then emails the signed signature page (including the abstract) and a copy of the thesis to the UHTC Chair.
- The thesis advisor will then give the student a grade for HON495. Grades for HON495 shall not be submitted until the prospectus is approved by all committee members and sent to the UTHC chair. If the prospectus is not approved, the thesis advisor may choose to give the student an Incomplete for HON495.