Honors 494

Honors 494: Thesis Prospectus

Students will spend this first semester designing the honors thesis project to be completed in HON495 and writing a formal Honors Prospectus. 

Steps for applying to and completing HON494 (Honors Prospectus) 

The semester prior to taking HON494:

  • Student meets with thesis advisor during the semester prior to enrollment in HON494 to discuss completing the application for the prospectus. 
  • The student fills out the HON494 application form, obtains necessary signatures, and emails the application to the UHTC Chair, who will then create a section of HON494. Ideally, this should be done by finals week. The latest possible date for submitting the HON494 application is the end of the add/drop period in the semester the student intends to take HON494. 
  • Student registers for HON494. 

Semester in which student is registered for HON494:

  • Student attends Information Session held by the UHTC Chairperson. 
  • Student selects the members of their Thesis Committee (University Reader and Second Reader) in consultation with their Thesis Advisor. Click here for a description of committee member duties and here for a list of Honors College Faculty. The student emails a completed Thesis Committee Form to the UHTC Chair.  This should be done by mid-October (Fall) or mid-March (Spring). 
  • Student works with their advisor to create a plan for the thesis project. Requirements vary by department. 
  • The student sends an advisor-approved copy of the prospectus to the University Reader and Department Chair. Ideally, this should be done by the beginning of November (Fall) or April (Spring).   
  • Once the prospectus is approved, the thesis advisor, University Reader, and Department Chair will sign the Prospectus Signature Page.  The student will then email the approved prospectus and signature page to the UHTC chair, who will create a section of HON495. Ideally, this should be done before the last day of classes. 
  • The thesis advisor will then give the student a grade for HON494. Grades for HON494 shall not be submitted until the prospectus is approved by all committee members and sent to the UTHC chair. If the prospectus is not approved, the thesis advisor may choose to give the student an Incomplete for HON494. 
  • Student registers for HON495. The student must obtain approval for the prospectus prior to becoming registered for HON495.