Undergraduate Physics Programs
Major Programs
The Physics Department offers Bachelor of Science - General Program, Bachelor of Science - Engineering Concentration, and Bachelor of Arts degrees in Physics, and the Bachelor of Science in Physics/Secondary Education.
These programs develop a mastery of the important theories, unifying principles and engineering applications of physics. With all of our students, we seek to build active curiosity, investigative skills and intellectual confidence and independence.
Upper level students are encouraged to participate in research with faculty mentors. Projects currently in progress include nanostructured materials, atomic force and electron microscopy, correlated many-body physics, astronomical studies of binary stars, research on the learning and teaching of physics, theoretical condensed matter physics, fluorescence spectroscopy, fiber optics and superconductivity.
All physics majors complete the following courses:
- PHY 230 and 231 - Physics for Scientists and Engineers I and II
- PHY 309 - Modern Physics
- PHY 370 - Modern Physics Laboratory
- PHY 461 - Methods in Physics Research
- PHY 471 - Capstone Experience in Physics
- MAT 150, 151 and 252 - Calculus I, II and III
- MAT 245 - Differential Equations
- CHE 120 and 121 - General Chemistry I and II
To be awarded credit towards a degree in physics, a grade of C- or higher must be earned in each of the following courses: PHY 230, 231, 309 and 370.
Students must complete the Liberal Education Program (LEP) requirements appropriate to their degree program. Students should consult with their faculty advisor in order to select suitable LEP courses.