Graduate Certificate in Nanotechnology
The Graduate Certificate in Nanotechnology (GCNT) is a three course graduate certificate program with a prerequisite of one foundational science, technology, engineering, or mathematics (STEM) course at the advance undergraduate or graduate level. The GCNT program offers high quality education and training experiences in the general concepts of nanotechnology and detailed knowledge and practice in the areas of characterization and synthesis of nanoscale materials. The GCNT program is designed to be synergistic with the undergraduate physics and M.S. in Applied Physics programs and is closely linked with activities of the Connecticut State Colleges & Universities Center for Nanotechnology (ConnSCU-CNT) at SCSU.
The GCNT program is designed so that full-time students, people with part-time or full-time employment, people in transition between jobs, and K-12 teachers can participate. The program also actively seeks to partner with local businesses and academic institutions involved in nanotechnology related work to improve the teaching, research, and training opportunities for the students and faculty. Hence the program is designed to reach as broad a spectrum of Connecticut residents as possible in order to prepare them to participate in the rapidly advancing field of nanotechnology.
The GCNT program is multi-institutional with select faculty from all four CSU campuses (Central, Eastern, Southern, and Western) involved in the teaching, research, and training. However, the certificate is issued by the Department of Physics at SCSU.
For More Information:
Dr. Christine Broadbridge
Department of Physics
(203) 392-6461
Dr. Matthew Enjalran
Department of Physics
(203) 3925444
Dr. Todd Schwendemann
Department of Physics
(203) 392-6431