Teaching Online Questions and Answers
Below are answers to questions that the Office of Online Learning has received from faculty during the transition to online learning.
What online learning tools does SCSU recommend and support?
The University provides access and support for the following online learning tools: Blackboard Learn 9 for asynchronous learning, Microsoft Teams for synchronous and asynchronous learning, WebEx for synchronous learning, Kaltura for media recording, upload and sharing with students through Blackboard Learn 9. For help with any of those tools, contact the University Help Desk by email at helpdesk@southernct.edu or by phone at (203) 392-5123.
Where can I find tutorials for Blackboard Learn 9?
The Office of Online Learning provided and recorded a training on Blackboard Learn 9. That, and other recordings are available on the Online Trainings Recordings page. Additional tutorials are available through the "Tutorials" link in Blackboard Learn 9. More help is available on the Blackboard Learn Help for Instructors page. Please note that the University uses Blackboard Learn and not Blackboard Ultra so only follow the instructions related to Blackboard Learn. For additional help, please email the University Help Desk at helpdesk@southernct.edu.
How can I access WebEx?
To access and use WebEx with your students, please first request an account by emailing the University Help Desk at helpdesk@southernct.edu. After the account is created, you can find WebEx in the list of My Apps accessible through MySCSU. You may have to click "Add Apps" at the top of the page and add it to your list. WebEx is also available by logging in to the SCSU WebEx page.
What should I keep in mind when conducting a synchronous class via WebEx?
The Office of Online Learning provides the following Synchronous Meetings Etiquette Guide.
How can I learn more about Microsoft Teams?
The Office of Online Learning provided and recorded a training on how to use Microsoft Teams and Microsoft OneDrive. That, and other recordings are available on the Online Trainings Recordings page. The SCSU Information Technology COVID-19 Faculty & Staff Support page has a list of resources available to help you learn more about how to use Microsoft Teams.
How can I record a PowerPoint slideshow with narration?
Microsoft provides directions on how to record a PowerPoint slideshow with narration on their Microsoft Support page. Please make sure to select the appropriate version and operating system from the list of choices available.
How do I use Kaltura to record my lectures?
SCSU specific instructions on how to record using Kaltura can be found in the Kaltura Media Guide. SCSU specific instructions on how to add closed captions to Kaltura videos can be found in the Kaltura Captions Guide.
What should I know about accessibility for all students in my courses?
The Accessibility Information Guide can help answer some of your questions. For technology accessibility questions please contact the Center for Educational and Assistive Technology at ceat@southernct.edu. For other accessibility related questions contact the Center for Academic Success and Accessibility Services.
Who are the members of the Office of Online Learning team?
The list of the members of the Office of Online Learning team, along with their contact information, is available on the Team page. Many of the team members have graciously donated their time and effort.
How can I contact the Office of Online Learning team?
The Office of Online Learning team can be contacted via email at OnlineLearning@southernct.edu.
How can I receive more training on teaching online?
The Office of Online Learning is continuing to provide trainings for teaching online, including daily drop in support and problem solving - individual and group support. For a list of currently available trainings please visit the Office of Online Learning Trainings page. New trainings are added weekly.
How do I receive support for other SCSU provided technology tools?
For answers to general technology questions please visit the University Help Desk page, email the University Help Desk at helpdesk@southernct.edu, call the University Help Desk at (203) 392-5123, or visit the SCSU Information Technology COVID-19 Faculty & Staff Support page as well as the SCSU Information Technology COVID-19 Technology FAQ page.