Guest Wireless Access
The Guest Wireless Network is SCSU's official secure wireless network for visiting faculty, staff, and university guests. Guest wireless accounts can be created for visitors who would like to have access to the campus’ wireless network.
Accessibility to the Guest Wi-Fi is available throughout SCSU. You can roam across campus and connect to Guest at other locations. Please note that when connecting to the guest wireless network, regardless of whether your guest account is an SCSU-Sponsored account or a self-registered account, do not change your location amidst attempting to connect to the network. Physically moving around campus with your device while it is attempting to connect will lead to network connection issues. Please wait to move until you are fully connected and have confirmed internet access.
How do I connect?
Prior to connecting it is important to note that self-registered guest accounts are valid until midnight on the day that the account was created. All students and employees of SCSU can create temporary SCSU-sponsored guest wireless accounts, active for up to 6 months (180 days). If a guest account is needed for more than 180 days, contact the Help Desk to have a request submitted.
Sponsored Guest Accounts:
Students and employees can create temporary wireless accounts for their visitors by logging into the Guest Access Portal and filling out the guest’s contact information. When complete, select the “Email Account” option to have the system send the username and password directly to your visitor.
Creating wireless guest account tutorial: PDF | Video
Self-Registered Guest Accounts:
Connecting your personal device is simple and supports common operating systems: Apple computers, Windows computers, iPhone, Android, Chromebooks, etc. Follow the instructions tailored specifically for your device below:
Connect to Guest on iPhone/iOS: PDF | VIDEO
Connect to Guest on Android: PDF | VIDEO
Connect to Guest on Apple Computers: PDF | VIDEO
Connect to Guest on Windows Computers: PDF | VIDEO
Connect to Guest on Chromebook : PDF | VIDEO
The IT Help Desk is here to help if you need assistance. Call: 203-392-5123, Email: HelpDesk@SouthernCT.edu or visit us at our Walk-in Support center located at Buley Library 1st Floor.