Eduroam Wireless Network
Eduroam is Southern's official secure wireless network for faculty, staff, and students to connect their laptops, phones, tablets, and other personal devices. Eduroam is a globally federated wireless network that will provide you wireless access at thousands of participating locations around the world.
Eduroam supports certificate-based authentication to enhance your wireless security and technology experience, which offers enhanced security and a more secured connection. Once the certificate is installed, you’re all set. You can roam across campus, connect to Eduroam at other locations, or change your password, and the certificate will continue to work.
How do I connect?
To connect to Eduroam, you will need to set up certificate-based authentication on your personal devices. We recommend you set up your connection before coming to campus to ensure you are ready when you arrive. Connecting your personal device is simple and supports common operating systems: Apple computers, Windows computers, iPhone, Android, Chromebooks, etc. Follow the instructions tailored specifically for your device below:
Connect to Eduroam on iPhone/iPad: PDF | VIDEO
Connect to Eduroam on Android: PDF | VIDEO
Connect to Eduroam on Apple Computers: PDF | VIDEO
Connect to Eduroam on Windows Computers: PDF | VIDEO
Connect to Eduroam on Chromebook : PDF | VIDEO
Where can I connect to Eduroam?
With certificate authentication, your connection will be seamless across the SCSU campus and at participating institutions. The newly enhanced Eduroam with certificate authentication is now active, you can configure your device for Eduroam Wireless on your device while on or off campus. The Eduroam network is not for the Residence Halls, University Guests or University managed computers - for more details, please view the full list of wireless networks.
The IT Help Desk is here to help if you need assistance. Call: 203-392-5123, Email: HelpDesk@SouthernCT.edu or visit us at our Walk-in Support center located at Buley Library 1st Floor.