Exploration Tools & Resources

Having the right resources is essential in making an informed choice about your major! That's why we've compiled what we consider the most helpful tools available! Browse below to find what you need. And don't forget that it's always a good idea to follow up with Exploration Support.
Self discovery and awareness is quite possibly the most important step in exploring majors. Knowing yourself on a deeper level will help you find the best fit. The tools provided below will allow you to learn a great deal about your personality, values, strengths, and skills.
Exploration Assessment
This assessment touches upon all three of the most important self-exploration areas: values, interests, and skills. This is a good place to start and then move into some of the deeper tools if needed.
Your values are your judgment of what's important in life. Knowing your values is essential in making a meaningful decision about your major. Click below to identify your most important values.
Your personality is a combination of attributes and qualities that form your distinctive character. Click the link below to discover your personality type according to the 16-type system.
Focus 2 Career
Focus 2 is a self-paced online tool that will help you explore career paths based on your characteristics. There are multiple assessments to help you find related academic/career pathways.
On this page, you'll find a collection of what we consider to be the best tools and resources available for exploring majors. Keep in mind, that no prescribed method applies to everyone. Your process for finding a major may be different than someone else's. This is why it's always important to follow up with Exploration Support.
Major Exploration Steps
Choosing the right major can seem like an overwhelming process, but it doesn't have to be. Following these steps will ensure that your major decision process is meaningful and successful!
Major Matching Challenge
You'll be presented with 15 jobs occupied by actual Southern graduates. Do you think you can guess what their major was? Nobody has ever gotten 100%...will you be the first?
Get Educated
There's a lot of misinformation out there! That's why it's important to get educated before you begin your exploration journey. Take the time to learn the facts about majors and careers!
Major Elimination Tool
It's often easier to identify subjects you DON'T want to study. This activity gives you the opportunity to remove majors in which you have no interest, allowing you to focus only on the ones that matter!
Exploration Ambassadors
Exploration Ambassadors are current SCSU students who are available to answer from students exploring majors and offer insight about what it's like to be a student in their majors.
Exploration Assessment
This assessment touches upon all three of the most important self-exploration areas: values, interests, and skills. This is a good place to start and then move into some of the deeper tools if needed.
Major Experts
Once you generate some ideas for majors, one of the next steps is to connect with faculty/staff in those areas. We've identified professionals within each major so that you can connect with the experts!
LinkedIn Alumni Tool
This amazing tool allows you to see what types of career fields Southern graduates have gone into based on what they majored in...allowing you to see that all majors lead to a variety of career options!
When talking about majors, careers will almost always be part of the discussion. Some students choose a major and then figure out a preferred career. Others decide on a career first and then figure out a major. This page provides an assortment of helpful and relevant resources pertaining to career exploration.
LinkedIn Alumni Tool
This amazing tool allows you to see what types of career fields Southern graduates have gone into based on what they majored in.
Focus 2 Career
Focus 2 is a self-paced online tool that will help you explore career paths based on your characteristics through interactive assessments.
What Can I Do with This Major?
Featuring major profiles with information on common career paths, types of employers, and strategies to maximize opportunities.
Career & Professional Development
Offering a wide array of both online and in-person services, the goal of Southern CPD is to help students define and achieve their vision of career success.
Major Matching Challenge
You'll be presented with 15 jobs occupied by Southern graduates. Can guess what their major was? Nobody has gotten 100%...will you be the first?
O*Net Online
The O*NET Interest Profiler can help you find out what your interests are and how they relate to the world of work. You can find out what you like to do.
Bureau of Labor Statistics
This online tool contains information on duties, education and training, pay, and outlooks for hundreds of occupations.