LinkedIn Alumni Tool

"What can I do with this major?" is one of the most population questions students ask when exploring majors. Most are suprised when they learn that most majors lead to a LARGE VARIETY of career options. We've had psychology majors go into the business field, English majors go into the health field, and biology majors go into law. The reality is...you have the freedom to choose a major you WANT to study and keep the door wide open for a diverse range of career options!
The LinkedIn Alumni Tool is a great way to see what kinds of careers Southern graduates have pursued with all types of majors. It allows you to search for Southern alumni by major to see what they're doing for jobs...and it also allows you to search by career to see what they majored in.
- Click here to access the LinkedIn Alumni page for Southern
- Sign into LinkedIn. If you don't have an account, you can quickly create one without needing to create a full profile.
- Scroll down to the alumni box and click the right arrow until you see "What they studied":
- Click "Show more" and select a major or click "+Add" to search for a major:
- Once you've selected a major, you can scroll down to see former Southern students who graduated with that major and what they're currently doing for work. Select a Southern alumni to view their profile, which will show previous education and work experience:
- You can also filter further by exploring "Where they work" and/or "What they do":
Keep exploring and don't hesitate to let us know if you need help or have questions!