Online Learning

The University provides online courses at all levels. This page contains information on tools and support for online teaching and learning for faculty and students at SCSU.
The Center for Educational and Assistive Technology
The Center for Educational and Assistive Technology (CEAT) provides technology to students, training in technology, and a working space for students with disabilities. Engleman Hall, Room B017 Phone: 203-392-5799 Email: ceat@southernct.edu
The Center for Academic Success and Accessibility Services
The Center for Academic Success and Accessibility Services (CASAS) provides academic support to all students and accommodations for students with disabilities. You can find information on policies, faculty responsibilities, and how to best support students in your courses here. https://inside.southernct.edu/casas/accessibility-services Buley Library, Room 303 Phone: 203-392-6828 Email: casas@southernct.edu

Office 365 Apps Overview
Microsoft gives an overview of their apps along with training information.