SCSU Provided Tools

The University provides digital tools and support for students through a variety of offices including Information Technology and the Library. Below are some of the tools that students can access through the university.
MySCSU is the main digital portal at the University for students, faculty, and staff. It provides links to many of the most used digital tools such as Microsoft Office and Blackboard.
Accessible through MySCSU, Blackboard is the learning management system for the University. Many of the online, hybrid, and in person courses have a companion Blackboard shell where students can access class materials. For students, Blackboard provides a number of tutorials available through the Tutorials tab on the top, right hand corner of the Blackboard homepage. The University Help Desk site provides a Blackboard Help Hub as well.
Throughout their time at the University, students have access to all the apps that are part of Microsoft 365 including Microsoft Word, Excel, PowerPoint and others. The tools are accessible online or can be downloaded and installed on the student's computer. To access the tools navigate to MySCSU. The Help Desk provides instructions on how to install Microsoft Office on Windows or Mac.
Apporto allows students, faculty, and staff to remotely access select applications using a web browser, that are normally only available on campus lab and classroom computers. Some of the applications provided through Apporto include the Adobe Suite (e.g., Photoshop), ArcGIS, and SPSS. Apporto is available through MySCSU and works on Windows, Mac, and Chrome. The Help Desk provides further instructions on accessing the program.
Accessible by phone (203-392-5123), email (helpdesk@southernct.edu), or through the web (Help Desk Website), the Help Desk provides support to all students as well as a wealth of information about technology at Southern.
The Buley library website provides access to research articles databases, tutorials on how to navigate the library resources, and access to a citation information and a citation manager.