Tuition Waivers / Assistance
For the purpose of granting a tuition waiver, a veteran is anyone who served on active duty in the United States Army, Navy, Marine Corps, Coast Guard, or Air Force and has been released from active duty. Pursuant to Public Law 18-47, effective October 01, 2018, the CT Veterans Tuition Waiver is extended to certain veterans with "Other than Honorable" discharge. The individual applying for the waiver must submit a completed CT DVA OTH Form 1 along with all other required documentation. Individuals with a "Bad Conduct" or "Dishonorable" discharge are not eligible for the waiverEligibility for the GI Bill® is not a determining factor in granting a tuition waiver. You must be matriculated but you may be full time or part time to receive the CT State Veterans Tuition Waiver. Also, the CT State Veterans Tuition Waiver covers 100% tuition during the fall and spring semesters and 50% of course fees during Wintersession, Spring Break and Summer semesters.
The tuition waiver does not apply to fees or other costs.
To be eligible for the waiver a veteran must be a Connecticut resident, matriculated and have served during the following periods.
Active duty for at least 90 days during
- World War II ( 12/7/41-12/31/46)
- Korean Hostilities (6/27/50-1/31/55)
- Vietnam Era (12/22/61-7/1/75; (any child of a Vietnam-era veteran who has been declared a MIA/POW also is eligible provided the parent entered the service after 1/1/60)
- Persian Gulf Wars (8/1/90 to present) Includes Enduring Freedom, Noble Eagle, Iraqi Freedom, Somalia and Bosnia
Engaged in combat or in a combat-support role (DD214 must indicate an Expeditionary Medal)
- Lebanon (7/1/58-11/1/58 and 9/29/82-3/30/84)
- Grenada Invasion (10/25/83-12/15/83)
- Operation Earnest Will (Escort of Kuwaiti oil tankers in Persian Gulf) (7/24/87-8/1/90)
- Panama Invasion (12/20/89-1/31/90)
Persons who served during any other periods are not eligible for a tuition waiver. National Guard or Reserve "active duty for training " is not considered active duty . The DD214 must state: ACTIVE DUTY. To determine eligibility, bring your DD214 to the Veterans' Office at Engleman Hall, Room A 014.
Any Connecticut resident who is a dependent child or a surviving spouse of a member of the Armed Forces killed in action on or after 9/11/2001 who was a Connecticut resident is eligible for the tuition waiver.
Connecticut National Guard Tuition Waiver for Full-Time or Part-Time Students
Members of the Connecticut Army or Air National Guard and enrolled as full-time or part-time/matriculated, undergraduate or graduate students are eligible for a tuition waiver. The tuition waiver does not apply to other costs and fees, such as student activity fees and laboratory fees. It covers tuition only.
Army National Guard Tuition Waivers should be requested through the student's unit readiness NCO. This paperwork is submitted to the student's chain of command. The waiver is emailed directly to SCSU once approved by the National Guard Education Office in Hartford. The student is not sent their waiver directly. This process can take about a month and must be completed each semester. Air Force National Guard waivers are requested through the student's unit education officer each semester. Typically, these waivers are given to the student directly and students are required to provide the waiver to the Veteran Coordinator or School Certifying Official (SCO).
Tuition Assistance and Tuition Assistance Top-Up
Tuition Assistance and Tuition Assistance Top-Up is available for active duty, National Guard, and Reservists. For more information, contact Britt Conroy at (203) 392-6822.