FAQ for Veterans
Where is the Veterans' Office, and when can I visit it?
The office is located in Engleman Hall, Room A 014. We are open weekdays from 8:30 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. Drop by anytime or call (203) 392-6822.
What are the services offered by the Veterans' Office?
We provide academic guidance, GI Bill® and Tuition Waiver Certification support and liaison with state and federal agencies.You can obtain information about the G.I. bill and laws that provide rehabilitation and educational assistance to disabled or war veterans and their dependents. You can also find out about medical entitlements, discharge upgrades and other benefits available from the Veterans Administration.
What are my VA Health Benefits?
Upon discharge from active duty you should visit your closest VA Medical Center. The VA Medical Center in West Haven, CT is the closest to SCSU. Bring your DD 214, no matter what you consider your medical condition to be. If you end up with a service connected disability you will have free medical care for the rest of your life. If you do not have any service connected illnesses you are still eligible for 2 years of medical care.
What is the Soldier's, Sailor's and Marine's Fund?
It is a state fund administered by the American Legion for the purpose of providing temporary financial assistance for veterans with 90 days or more of wartime service who are unemployed or for sickness. It provides funding for emergency needs such as clothing, food, medical and surgical aid, and general care and relief. Call (860) 296-0719 or visit The American Legion Soldiers, Sailors and Marines Fund.
What is the CT Property Tax Exemption?
Veterans who have served 90 days or more of wartime service are eligible for a $1,500 exemption for real property or automobiles. Certain veterans who do not own real property or a motor vehicle may be eligible for a tax refund if they are leasing a motor vehicle. Veterans below a certain income level and/or service disabled veterans are eligible for additional property tax exemptions. Surviving spouses may also be eligible. Contact your town's Tax Assessor Office.
Where do I go for advocacy if I'm experiencing problems with the university or the Veteran's Administration?
Visit our Veterans Center in Engleman Hall A014 and speak with Coordinator Britt Conroy.
How do I find out if I'm eligible for a Veteran's Tuition Waiver?
Visit Tuition Waiver / Assistance for information.
Does Veterans/Adult Student Services deal with things that are not related to veterans issues?
Yes, you can visit the office for answers to a wide range of questions. Perhaps you would like to ask about courses, majors, or careers. Maybe you want to talk over some personal matters relating to classes, family or friends. Whatever your questions or issues, Britt Conroy will provide information and guidance in a variety of areas.
Are there student organizations associated with this office?
The Veterans Association provides veterans with the opportunity to share the bond developed through military service. Its direction is determined by its members and includes campus and community service, social activities, and veterans awareness programs.
State and Federal VA Benefits
To learn about state benefits, visit the Connecticut State Department of Veterans' Affairs. For federal benefits, visit the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs.