Theatre Faculty & Staff

Michael Skinner
Department Chairperson
Associate Professor - Sound Design, Production Management
Email: skinnerm2@southernct.edu
Phone: (203) 392-6104
Location: John Lyman Center for the Performing Arts B-17

Carolyn Carrington
Department Secretary
Email: carringtonc1@southernct.edu
Phone: (203) 392-6100
Location: John Lyman Center for the Performing Arts B-11

Larry Nye
Associate Professor - Directing, Choreography, Children's Theatre, & Dramaturgy
Email: nyel1@southernct.edu
Phone: (203) 392-8820
Location: John Lyman Center for the Performing Arts B-10

Douglas J. Macur
Assistant Professor - Lighting, Projection, & Scenic Design
Email: macurd1@southernct.edu
Phone: (203) 392-6803
Location: John Lyman Center for the Performing Arts B-18

Sarah Bowles
Adjunct Professor - Acting
Director of Education - Elm Shakespeare Company
Email: bowless2@southernct.edu
Phone: (203) 392-6532
Location: John Lyman Center for the Performing Arts B-9

Jill Brunelle
Adjunct Professor - Musical Direction
Email: brunellej2@southernct.edu
Phone: (203) 392-5683
Location: John Lyman Center for the Performing Arts B-9

Benjamin Curns
Adjunct Professor - Acting & Stage Combat
Email: curnsb1@southernct.edu
Phone: (203) 392-5683
Location: John Lyman Center for the Performing Arts B-9

David Difabio
University Assistant - Carpentry
Email: difabiod1@southernct.edu
Phone: (203) 392-8321
Location: John Lyman Center for the Performing Arts 129B

Rebecca Goodheart
Adjunct Professor - Acting
Producing Artistic Director - Elm Shakespeare Company
Email: rebecca@elmshakespeare.org
Phone: (203) 392-8882
Location: John Lyman Center for the Performing Arts B-9

Robyn Gostomski
Adjunct Professor - Stage Management
Email: gostomskir1@southernct.edu
Phone: (203) 392-5683
Location: John Lyman Center for the Performing Arts B-9

Heidi Hanson
Adjunct Professor - Costume Design
Email: hansonh4@southernct.edu
Phone: (203) 392-6110
Location: John Lyman Center for the Performing Arts B-39

Richard Harding
University Assistant - Costume Shop
Email: hardingr1@southernct.edu
Phone: (203) 392-6110
Location: John Lyman Center for the Performing Arts B 39

Ariana Harris
University Assistant - Production
Email: harrisa21@southernct.edu
Phone: (203) 392-8321
Location: John Lyman Center for the Performing Arts 129B

Gracy Keirstead
Adjunct Professor - Acting
Email: keirsteadg3@southernct.edu
Phone: (203) 392-5683
Location: John Lyman Center for the Performing Arts B-9

Conrad Kluck
Adjunct Professor - Technical Direction
Email: kluckc1@southernct.edu
Phone: (203) 392-6530
Location: John Lyman Center for the Performing Arts 129B

Justin Pesce
Adjunct Professor - Acting
Email: pescej3@southernct.edu
Phone: (203) 392-5683
Location: John Lyman Center for the Performing Arts B-9

Amelia Pizzoferrato
University Assistant - Scenic Painting
Email: pizzoferraa1@southernct.edu
Phone: (203) 392-8321
Location: John Lyman Center for the Performing Arts 129B

Jeff Raab
Adjunct Professor - Voice & Diction
Email: theatre@southernct.edu
Phone: (203) 392-5683
Location: John Lyman Center for the Performing Arts B-9

Theresa A. Stark
Adjunct Professor - Stage Management
Email: starkt2@southernct.edu
Phone: (203) 392-5683
Location: John Lyman Center for the Performing Arts B-9