Procedures For Reports Made To Employees and Employee Self-Reporting
All faculty and staff are mandated reporters. Learn more.
Statement of Policy
The Board of Regents for Higher Education (BOR) and each of its member colleges and universities are committed to ensuring that each member of the community has the opportunity to fully participate in the process of education and development. Southern Connecticut State University strives to maintain a safe and welcoming environment free from acts of sexual misconduct. It is also Southern’s goal to provide safety, privacy and support to survivors of sexual misconduct.
The BOR has established a policy concerning Sexual Misconduct Reporting, Support Services and Processes. The policy strongly encourages and supports the reporting of sexual misconduct including sexual harassment, sexual assault, sexual exploitation, stalking and intimate partner violence. The BOR policy requires all CSCU employees to immediately communicate to the Institutions designated recipient (University’s Title IX coordinator) any report or disclosure of sexual misconduct received from a student as well as disclosures or report of sexual misconduct received from another employee when misconduct is related to the business of the institution.
As a Southern Connecticut State University employee, you may find yourself responding to a student or other employee’s report or disclosure of sexual misconduct. This protocol is designed to assist employees to respond effectively to such reports or disclosures. Other than those employees with confidentiality (health providers, professional counselors, and pastoral counselors whose official responsibilities include providing mental-health counseling to members of the University community), all university employees are responsible employees and are mandated to report. In the case of an emergency contact University Police at (203)392-5375 or 911 immediately.
Responsible Employee Requirements & Rights of Those Who Report or Disclose
In an effort to be in compliance with the University’s obligation under Title IX, Connecticut Public Act No. 14-11, and the Board of Regents Policy on Sexual Misconduct, Reporting, Support Services and Processes all faculty, staff, and administrators, with the exception of health providers, professional counselors, and pastoral counselors whose official responsibilities include providing mental-health counseling to members of the University community are mandated to report all disclosures and reports of incidents of sexual misconduct regardless of the age of the survivor. This mandate is a result of the University’s obligation to stop the conduct, prevent its reoccurrence, remedy its effects, provide care and support for the reporting or disclosing person, and ensure the safety and security of our community.
In addition, the University is required to inform in a timely manner those who report or disclose any type of sexual misconduct of all of their rights and options, including the necessary steps and potential outcomes of each option.
In an effort to support members of our community and our obligations, the following steps must be followed by all faculty, staff and administrators (with the exception of those listed earlier in this section) whenever someone discloses or reports sexual misconduct. To assist, specifically, with working with students or employees, please consider the sample script on page 3 when dealing with these situations.
Report of Disclosure Reporting Procedures
If a student/employee discloses an incident of sexual misconduct, do not ask for any details other than those pertaining to an emergency situation. If the student/employee shares any details of the incident you are mandated to report them Paula Rice, Title IX Coordinator. Kindly inform the student/employee that, while you are a responsible employee and mandated to report any information regarding sexual misconduct, you do want to help. Your role is to compassionately and professionally assist in helping the student/employee get the support and resources they need.
Student Disclosure or Report
1. While with the student, contact Violence Prevention, Victim Advocacy and Support Center (VPAS), University Victim Advocate and S.A.R.T. Coordinator, at (203)392-6946 (o) will offer guidance and review information and procedures that can assist the student in getting the help they may need, and will offer to speak and/or meet with the student, will also provide written, concise information to the student regarding rights, options and possible outcomes of each option.
2. Once the student has been connected with University Advocate, the administrator, faculty or staff member must submit the sexual misconduct notification form to Paula Rice, Title IX Coordinator. The questions on the form are NOT to be asked of the person disclosing or reporting the situation, therefore, areas will remain blank. Please make sure to provide all information that was reported or disclosed to you. If you are a Campus Security Authority, please make sure to indicate this on the form. Remember that if you know information, the University is also considered to know. The University’s obligation to respond begins the moment the University is on notice that a member of our community has experienced sexual misconduct, sexual assault, or intimate partner violence.
Employee Disclosure or Report
1. While with the employee, contact Office of Human Resources at (203) 392-5405, will offer guidance and review information and procedures that can assist the employee in getting the help they may need, and will offer to speak and/or meet with the employee, will also provide, concise information to the employee regarding rights, options and possible outcomes of each option.
2. Once an employee has been connected with Office of Human Resources, the administrator, faculty or staff member must submit the sexual misconduct notification form to Paula Rice, Title IX Coordinator. The questions on the form are NOT to be asked of the person disclosing or reporting the situation, therefore, areas will remain blank. Please make sure to provide all information that was reported or disclosed to you. If you are a Campus Security Authority, please make sure to indicate this on the form. Remember that if you know information, the University is also considered to know. The University’s obligation to respond begins the moment the University is on notice that a member of our community has experienced sexual misconduct, sexual assault, or intimate partner violence.
Employee Self-Report
University employees wishing to report personal incidents of sexual misconduct should contact Paula Rice, Title IX Coordinator at (203) 392-5568. If an employee wishes to receive information about University and community support and advocacy services he/she should contact Office of Human Resources at (203)392-5405. To make a criminal report the employee should contact University Police at (203)392-5375 or 911 in an emergency.
What Happens After You Notify Title IX Coordinator?
1. The Title IX Coordinator or her/his designee begins an investigation. It is important to note, that while the institution must make every effort to reach out to the survivor as part of the investigation, the survivor has the option to speak with the investigator or not. This will be explained by the Human Resources/ Victim Advocacy and Support Center (VPAS) directly to the survivor. Her or his privacy will be respected; identities and details will be shared only with those who need to know to support the reporting or disclosing person and to address the situation through the University’s processes.
2. If the reporting or disclosing person is under the age of eighteen (18), the Title IX Coordinator will contact the Connecticut Department of Children and Families to inform them of the alleged situation involving sexual misconduct
3. If you, as a responsible employee, also serve as a Campus Security Authority under the Jeanne Clery Act, the Title IX Coordinator will contact University Policy to report the possible sexual assault regardless of the age of the survivor. Employees identified as CSAs will be contacted by University Police and training will be provided.
Sample Script When Dealing With Student Disclosure Or Report
“Excuse me for interrupting. It sounds like you are going to tell me about a situation involving sexual misconduct (sexual harassment, sexual assault, sexual exploitation, intimate partner violence or stalking) Please know that I want to help. However, if you want to continue this conversation with me, you need to know that I am a responsible employee and I have a duty to report this conversation to the university’s Title IX Coordinator. The university has professionals who you can speak with about this and I can give you their information. I also have information about resources for counseling, health, advocacy and reporting options. I want you know that you do not need to share any information on the incident with anyone to receive support and advocacy. Also, while you are here I am going to contact the University Advocate who will help to ensure that you are getting the information and support that can best help you at this time. You do not have to speak to the advocate unless you choose to. Is there anything else I can do for you now?”
Confidential Resources & Confidentiality
When SCSU or any of its employees receives a report of sexual misconduct, all reasonable steps will be taken by the appropriate University officials to preserve the privacy of the reported survivor while promptly investigating and responding to the report. While the institution will strive to maintain the confidentiality of the personally identifiable student information reported, which information is subject to privacy requirements of the Family Education Rights Privacy Act the institution also must fulfill its duty to protect the campus community.
As a responsible employee you are mandated to report and can no longer have confidential conversations with students or employees reporting or disclosing information about their experiences with sexual misconduct. The University recognizes the significant trust relationship and the difficult situation you are placed in when a student/employee requests confidentiality. To help mitigate this challenges students/employees have been informed that all faculty, staff and administrators must share information with the University and that they have options for confidential reporting.
Confidential resources are defined as follows: For the Universities, entities with statutory privilege, which include campus based counseling center, health center and pastoral counseling staff members whose official responsibilities include providing mental health counseling to members of the University community as well as off campus counseling and psychological services, health services providers, member(s) of the clergy, and the local Sexual Assault Crisis Center and Domestic Violence Center.
Where it is deemed necessary for the institution to take steps to protect the safety of the reported survivor and/or other members of the campus community, the institution will need to act in a manner so as not to compromise the privacy and confidentiality of the reported survivor of a sexual misconduct to the extent reasonably possible.
Information on University Reporting Options and Support/Advocacy Services
- University Police (Criminal complaints) @ (203) 392-5375 or 911
- Title IX Coordinator – Paula Rice (Student & Employee complaints) @ (203) 392-5568
- Office of Student Conduct& Civic Responsibility – Christopher Piscitelli (Student complaints) @ (203) 392-6188
- Human Resources – (203) 392-5405
- Employee Assistance Program (EAP) The Lexington Group Inc. 1 (800) 676-4357 Available 24/7 Confidential Service
- Violence Prevention, Victim Advocacy and Support Center (VPAS) (203) 392-6946
- University Victim Advocate - Available: 24/7
Advocacy & Support Services
Office (203) 392-6946 Cell: (203) 687-1252
- Confidential- SCSU Counseling Services @ (203) 392-5475
- Confidential- SCSU Health Services@ (203) 392-6300
- Confidential- Women & Families Center 1-(888) 999-5545, 24/7
- Confidential- The Umbrella Center for Domestic Violence Services (203) 789-8104, 24/7
Visit https://inside.southernct.edu/vpas/sart for further information including reporting options, students’ rights, restraining and protective orders, advocacy and medical attention.
- SCSU Response Protocol/Procedures for Reports/Disclosures of Sexual Misconduct and/or Intimate Partner Violence
- SCSU Sexual Misconduct or Intimate Partner Violence Notification Form
- BOR Sexual Misconduct Reporting, Support Services and Processes Policy
- CT PA 14-11 - An Act Concerning Sexual Assault, Stalking and Intimate Partner Violence on Campus
- U.S. Department of education- Protecting All Students
- SCSU Support and Resource Team Brochure