Reporting Procedures For Students
At Southern Connecticut State University (SCSU), we are committed to creating a community of respect, civility, and honor. Your health and safety are a top priority! In line with this mission, we enforce Title IX of the Education Amendment of 1972 which prohibits acts of sexual misconduct (sexual harassment, sexual assault, sexual exploitation), intimate partner violence (dating violence and domestic violence) and stalking at educational institutions. Acts of sexual misconduct and intimate partner violence are a violation of Southern Connecticut State University policy and state law. We encourage you to report any incidents of sexual misconduct, intimate partner violence or stalking and/or utilize the support and advocacy services available to you.
Mandated Reporters
All employees, including faculty, staff and administrators, are mandated reporters except for those employees with confidentiality (health providers, professional counselors, and pastoral counselors whose official responsibilities include providing mental-health counseling to members of the University community). This means that when you report or disclose information regarding sexual misconduct, intimate partner violence or stalking the university employee will need to report this to the University’s Title IX Coordinator. Please note that if you are under the age of eighteen (18) the Title IX Coordinator must contact the Connecticut Department of Children and Families to inform them of the alleged situation involving sexual misconduct, intimate partner violence or stalking. One of the University Advocates will then be contacted and provide you with information including supportive services, reporting options and your Title IX rights.
You can make a confidential report to employees of on and off campus counseling services centers, health service providers, clergy and local 24-hour hotline staff members of sexual assault crisis services and domestic violence services (see details and contact information below). All other employees are mandated reporters as stated above.
Reporting Options
If you wish to press criminal charges and the perpetrator is an employee or student | University Police (203) 392-5375 |
If you wish to press charges with the university and the perpetrator is an employee or student | Paula Rice Title IX Coordinator (203) 392-5568 |
If you wish to press charges with the university and the perpetrator is a student | Office of Student Conduct and Civic Responsibility Christopher Piscitelli (203) 392-6188 |
If you wish to report anonymously | Use the Silent Witness form |
Advocacy And Support Services
SCSU Counseling Services, Confidential |
SCSU Health Services, Confidential (203) 392-6300 |
SCSU Marriage and Family Clinic, Confidential |
Women & Families Center, Confidential 1 (888) 999-5545 24/7 line |
The Umbrella Center for Domestic Violence Services, Confidential (203) 789-8104 24/7 line |
VPAS Director, SART Coordinator |
Support And Resource Team
Southern Connecticut State University's Support and Resource Team (SART) is designed to provide a collaborative victim-centered team response to survivors of sexual misconduct, intimate partner violence and stalking. The SART members can connect a survivor to many supportive options including counseling, medical attention, judicial services, advocacy, law enforcement, referrals, and general information regarding sexual misconduct, intimate partner violence and stalking.
A complete list of SCSU Support and Resource Team (SART) members is available on the SART website. All members of the SART are mandated reporters unless identified as confidential.
Prevention Education And Awareness Programs
The University knows the importance of prevention education and is committed to providing you with ongoing education through its prevention programming and awareness campaigns. We want you to be educated and we want to hold perpetrators accountable so we offer numerous educational opportunities for you including an online course, HAVEN: Understanding Sexual Assault. Educational information and programming are provided at New Student Orientation, Week of Welcome and throughout the academic year that are related to prevention, bystander intervention, rape culture and more. Please visit the Violence Prevention, Victim Advocacy and Support Center events page for a complete list of programs.
Be Informed: Know Your Campus Crime Report!
We want you to be informed of the number of incidences of sexual misconduct, intimate partner violence and stalking reported to the University. View the Uniform Campus Crime and Fire Safety Report.