Summer 2020 Training

The Office of Online Learning is happy to announce the Summer 2020 training schedule. To accommodate the time availability and learning method preferences of faculty, the Summer 2020 trainings will be delivered both asynchronously and synchronously. For questions, please email us at OnlineLearning@southernct.edu.
Synchronous Sessions
Asynchronous Sessions
Individual Assistance
Synchronous Sessions
Throughout the summer the Office of Online Learning will offer two types of synchronous sessions: open Q&A sessions and best practices synchronous sessions. The open Q&A sessions will offer faculty who have watched the asynchronous sessions the opportunity to join the Office of Online Learning team to ask any questions they have about how to set up their course. The Synchronous Training for Online Teaching with Best Practices sessions will be live, interactive versions of the asynchronous sessions. They will occur over 3 half days (9 am - 12 pm). We strongly encourage you to sign up for the week that you can attend all three sessions. Signup is required for any sessions. Please click on the appropriate dates in the table below to be taken to the signup sheet for that day.
Audio Recording of the Panel Discussion on Teaching Synchronously Online held on 8/13/2020
*** If you've participated in a Synchronous Training session, please take a few minutes and complete the OOL Summer Training Survey. ***
Open Q&A Sessions |
Open Q&A Sessions |
Synchronous Training for Online Teaching with Best Practices |
Asynchronous Sessions
Attention: The University provides support only for applications accessible through MyApps. Some of our videos may talk about other tools that are useful but not supported by the University.
Rework Your Class in an Online Format:
- Revising Your Course and Syllabus in an Online Format
- Designing a Blackboard Learn 9 Course Shell
- Engaging Students with Classroom Introductions
- Setting Clear Guidelines and Expectations
- Sharing Important Course Information
Plan Your Weekly Activities:
- Designing your Weekly Content
- Making Discussion Boards Effective Learning Tools
- How to do step-by-step problem solving
- Producing Journals, Blogs, and Wikis Assignments (coming soon)
- Assigning Group Activities in Blackboard Learn 9 (coming soon)
Create Assessments That Meet Your Teaching Needs:
- Making Assignments in Blackboard Learn 9
- Creating Tests in Blackboard Learn 9
- Getting Started with the Respondus Lockdown Browser
Make the Grade Center to Work for You:
- Setting up the Grade Center (coming soon)
*** If you've watched any of our asynchronous training videos, please take a few minutes and complete the OOL Summer Training Survey. ***
Individual Assistance
The Office of Online Learning Associate Faculty Fellows are available throughout the summer for individual assistance. Please click on the name of the Faculty Fellow in your school to see a short intro video detailing their online teaching expertise.
*** If you've received help from any of our Faculty Fellows, please take a few minutes and complete the OOL Summer Training Survey. ***
College of Education
Dr. Greg McVerry, Curriculum and Learning - McVerryJ1@SouthernCT.edu
School of Business
Dr. Alison Wall, Management/IB - WallA4@SouthernCT.edu
College of Health and Human Services
Dr. Kyle O'Brien, Social Work - OBrienK9@SouthernCT.edu
College of Arts and Sciences
Dr. Candy Hwang, Chemistry - HwangC1@SouthernCT.edu
Walter Stutzman, Music - StutzmanW1@SouthernCT.edu
Rebecca Hedreen, Distance Education Librarian - HedreenR1@SouthernCT.edu
The Office of Online Learning staff intro videos are linked below. They can also be contacted individually for support:
Bogdan Zamfir, Academic Affairs - ZamfirB1@SouthernCT.edu
Trever Brolliar, Information Technology - BrolliarC1@SouthernCT.edu
Michele Vancour, College of Health and Human Services - VancourM1@SouthernCT.edu
Dr. Libby Rhoades, Counseling and School Psychology - RhoadesE1@SouthernCT.edu
Dr. Lauren Tucker, Special Education - TuckerL7@SouthernCT.edu