
Department Chairpersons should use this form to transfer funds between different budget accounts.

Request For Budget Transfer or Journal Entry

Research and Creative Activity Reassigned Time awards are an important part of fulfilling our mission to support our school's active and productive teacher/scholars.  These RCART awards are open to all full-time tenured and tenure-track faculty.

Continue to RCART

Once you have been notified that a student has declared a major or minor in your area, use this site to review and approve or deny.  

Continue to Major/Minor Approvals 

Internships are learning and work experiences that enable students to gain hands-on experience in a particular field. Such experiences provide students with an opportunity to reaffirm their choice of major, gain relevant experience in their field of choice, and set themselves apart from others by having unique learning experiences beyond the classroom.  

Internship Application

Independent Study is appropriate when one or more of the following factors prevail: 

  1. The student has taken all of the regularly scheduled course work available in the field of interest in which pure specialization is desired; or
  2. A topic for study is interdisciplinary and courses bringing together the desired elements in a specific configuration are unavailable; or
  3. The University does not offer course work related directly to a proposed topic (which nevertheless falls within the purview of academic university study) but experts in the field at Southern Connecticut State University (or others) are available to advise and to supervise students under the aegis of faculty sponsors.

NOTE: Independent Study Proposals are due to the Dean’s Office no later than the first day of classes in which the study is proposed.

Independent Study Policy

Undergraduate Independent Study Form

Undergraduate Independent Study "W" Writing Form

Graduate Independent Study Form

Faculty are responsible for making sure all staff and students working in their area(s) have the proper safety training to help minimize injury, loss of research materials and/or property damage in accordance with the Educational Laboratory Policy Statement. Faculty are responsible for clearly describing and documenting what materials or activities are restricted when working alone. Examples of this may include working with a high hazard or reactive chemical, using power tools or running a laser.  

Hazardous Work Risk Assessment Form

Safe Laboratory/Studio Policy

Academic honesty is a fundamental requirement in higher education. Ethical behavior is expected of all members of the University community. Faculty members and students are responsible for knowing this definition upon which all claims of academic misconduct and defenses thereto shall be based. Graduate students also are responsible for additional expectations pertinent to graduate study, research and writing for publication, as officially defined by the University. 

Academic Misconduct Policy

Student Hearing Request Form

Academic Misconduct Report

Submit Grade Changes Electronically via Banner Web/Faculty Services. Please read below for more information.

Electronic Grade Change Directions

Please visit the Travel Office for specific information regarding travel approvals and authorization forms.

Students who are traveling off-campus on university business (class field trip, conference, presentation of papers or research) are required to enter and submit an  Assumption of Risk form to the faculty associated with the travel or course. Should the student be traveling without a School of Arts and Sciences faculty a  Travel Authorization form must also be submitted. 

Assumption of Risk Form

Travel Authorization Form