Research and Creative Activity Reassigned Time
Welcome to the faculty support webpage for the College of Arts and Sciences' Research and Creative Activity Reassigned Time Program (RCART). This site offers access to RFPs, guidelines, timetables and forms needed to apply, report and conclude an Arts and Sciences RCART award.
Research and Creative Activity Reassigned Time awards are an important part of fulfilling our mission to support our school's active and productive teacher/scholars. These RCART awards are open to all full-time tenured and tenure-track faculty.
I want to encourage all eligible faculty members to consider submitting proposals. Each of us understands the vital relationship between our teaching and research. These awards are designed to help sustain your research/creative agenda and provide opportunities for our junior faculty to establish new activities or expand an emerging project/agenda.
Good luck! I look forward to reading your proposals and receiving the recommendations of the RCART Review Committee. I will notify all faculty who apply of the final award decisions as is required by the RCART process/timetables.
Bruce Kalk
Dean, College of Arts and Sciences