Assistant Professor - Social Work
Tenure-Track Faculty Position Announcement
Department: Social Work
Search #: 25-005
Rank: Assistant Professor
Southern Connecticut State University (SCSU) is a diverse and student-centered university dedicated to academic excellence, access, and service for the public good. Southern provides a supportive and welcoming environment for all members of its community through a campus-wide commitment to social justice and inquiry. Founded as a teacher’s college in 1893, Southern has evolved over the past century into a comprehensive public university of approximately 9,000 students, with significant external research funding, and offering graduate and undergraduate programs in the liberal arts and professional disciplines. We seek to instill in all students the value of discovery with the liberal arts and sciences serving as a foundation for professional development and life-long learning. The University is located in New Haven, Connecticut, a city rich and vibrant with arts and culture, and home to many universities and with easy access to New York City and Boston.
Brief Description of Duties and Responsibilities
The Department of Social Work at Southern Connecticut State University seeks applicants to collaborate with a variety of stakeholders including undergraduate and graduate students, social workers and other professionals to engage in teaching, scholarly activity, and service to local, national and international communities impacted by social injustices. Potential applicants will educate BSW, MSW, and/or DSW students in the use of anti-oppressive practices with diverse populations as they prepare bachelor’s level students for entry level professional social work positions and for advancement to graduate social work education, prepare master’s level graduates for professional social work positions, and prepare doctoral-level social workers for university teaching or management positions after graduation.
The Department of Social Work seeks to fill a full time, tenure track position to begin August 2025. Primary responsibilities will be teaching across the undergraduate and graduate programs; active engagement in scholarly activity; department and university service; professional activity; community engagement; and student advisement. Particular needs include teaching Clinical Practice with Substance Use, and BSW, MSW, and DSW Research.
Required Qualifications
Candidates must possess an MSW from a CSWE accredited program and a doctoral degree in social work or a related field (Ph.D., DSW, or Ed.D.) by August 2025. Minimum of two years post-MSW practice experience. Demonstrated effectiveness in working with and teaching diverse populations as indicated in the above description of the student body. Demonstrated commitment to anti-racism, diversity, equity, inclusion, belonging, and acceptance in teaching; aligning with the principles, values, and standards of social work as defined by the NASW Code of Ethics (2021) and the CSWE Educational Policy and Accreditation Standards (2022).
Preferred Qualifications
Experience teaching at the undergraduate or graduate level in online, hybrid, and on ground modalities of course delivery; demonstrated capacity for anti-racist and anti-oppressive practice and teaching, demonstrated capacity to produce scholarship/creative activity, clinical practice experience with substance use, a range of populations, ages, and/or settings; LCSW or equivalent social work license.
About the Department
The Department of Social Work has BSW, MSW and DSW programs, with enrollments of approximately 250 undergraduates, 280 master’s degree students, and 30 doctoral students per year. The department’s mission is to provide quality social work education to undergraduate and graduate students and to advance knowledge through study, practice, and research. In October 2022, the Social Work Department was reaccredited through the Council of Social Work Education for the next eight years.
Southern faculty believe in the mission of public higher education and are committed to outstanding teaching and scholarship or creative activity. Thus, successful candidates will be disciplinary scholars devoted to a student-centric approach that can enhance our current anti-oppressive efforts and mission.
Application Process
Please submit electronically a letter of interest that addresses (1) practice experience and its relationship to diversity and anti-oppressive practice, (2) teaching experience in one or more social work curriculum areas including teaching format(s) and learning with diverse populations, and (3) description of past scholarly work and research trajectory including grant funding opportunities. Additionally, submit (1) a current curriculum vitae, (2) a one-page statement addressing teaching philosophy and strategies, (3) a one-page statement addressing diversity, equity, inclusion, accessibility, and belonging, (4) a one-page statement addressing scholarly agenda, and (5) the names of three persons of recommendation to: Social Work Search Chairperson Dr. Brianna Garrison at SWKsearch3@southernct.edu. Best consideration will be given to complete applications received by December 31, 2024. The position will remain open until filled.
SCSU is an Affirmative Action/Equal Employment Opportunity employer. The University seeks to enhance the diversity of its faculty and staff. People of color, women, veterans, and persons with disabilities are strongly encouraged to apply.