Contact Human Resources
Human Resources
Phone: (203) 392-5567
Fax: (203) 392-8802
Email: HR@southernct.edu
Location: Wintergreen Building (back entrance), 501 Crescent Street, New Haven, CT 06515
HR’s offices will be at the back of the building, and to ensure privacy for employees and students using its services, entry will be from the rear of Wintergreen only. Please note that the HR offices cannot be accessed from the front of Wintergreen, which is the entrance for admissions and other enrollment management-related services.
All general questions and concerns should be addressed to HR@southernct.edu.
All Student Worker questions and concerns should be addressed to studenthiringdocs@southernct.edu.
Employment Verifications
All employment verifications must be emailed with an employee-signed release to the attention of the Office of Human Resources at the following email address: employment-verifications@southernct.edu. Employment verifications are completed in the order they are received with a typical turnaround time of 24-36 hours. Turnaround times may be longer for verifications that require salary information or extensive research.
Jes Kraus
Chief Human Resource Officer (CHRO)
Email: krausj3@southernct.edu
Phone: (203) 392-5405
- Unclassified/Classified Labor Relations and Contract Administration
- FOI Officer
Tisha Miller
Senior HR Business Partner
Email: MillerT33@southernct.edu
Phone: (203) 392-5572
- Classified personnel include Clerical, Maintenance, Protective Services, A&R, 1199
LaKecia (Anderson) Freeman
Senior HR Business Partner
Email: AndersonL8@southernct.edu
Phone: (203) 392-8109
- Unclassified personnel include SUOAF and Management Confidential, AAUP
Marlene Cordero
Senior HR Business Partner
Email: CorderoM5@southernct.edu
Phone: (203) 392-9806
- Unclassified personnel include SUOAF and Management Confidential, AAUP
- Classified personnel include Clerical, Maintenance, Protective Services, A&R, 1199
Siraje Owen
Assistant Human Resources Business Partner
Email: OwenS7@southernct.edu
Phone: (203) 392-6962
- Graduate Assistants/Graduate Interns/ University Assistants
- FMLA/Benefits/Medical Leave/Sick Leave Bank Donations
- Tuition Waivers (Classified)
Caroline Roy
Assistant Human Resources Business Partner
Email: RoyC9@southernct.edu
Phone: (203) 392- 5063
- AAUP (full and part-time)/SUOAF/ Lecturers
- University External Advertising
- Early College
- Tuition Waivers (Unclassified)
Tinesse-Sy'mone Hoffler
HR Administrative Operations Assistant
Email: hofflert3@southernct.edu
Phone: 203-392-7392
- AAUP (Part-Time), Lecturers/Part-Time Contracts
- General Office Duties
Marvia Reid
HR Administrative Operations Assistant
Email: reidm21@southernct.edu
Phone: 203-392-5156
- Student Workers (including State/Federal Work Study Students)
- General Office Duties
Francesca Poole
University Human Resources Administrator (Reemployed Retiree)
Email: PooleF1@southernct.edu
Phone: (203) 392-5059
- Worker's Compensation
- Tuition Reimbursement for classified employees
- Retirement
Darci Carson
University Human Resources Administrator (Reemployed Retiree)
Email: CarsonD1@southernct.edu
Phone: (203) 392-5075
- Unclassified personnel include SUOAF, Management Confidential, and AAUP (Full-Time)
- Faculty Consulting/Research/Dual Employment Forms
- Retirement