I'm seeing a course on my degree evaluation, but it isn't available OR it won't let me register because I don't have permission.
There are several required course substitutions in the HLS major because of updates to the program, and students with older catalog years (pre-2022) won't see them on their degree evaluation. These need to be changed manually by the department chairperson. These include:
- HMS 411: replaced with PCH 265
- RSP 330: replaced with HLS 330 or PHI 325
- RSP 415: replaced with HLS 415
- RSP 440: replaced with HLS 440
If you need to take one of these classes, just sign up for the recommended class. If the course doesn't show up as filling the requirement on your degree evaluation form
I filled out the form to request a substitution on my degree evaluation, but the course still isn't showing up as fulfilling the requirement.
The department chairperson needs to submit individual memos to the Registrar's office for each student substitution request. There are sometimes backlogs to this process, so please be patient. You'll get an automatic notification from the Registrar's office when the substitution has been entered.
I've heard that Anatomy & Physiology (BIO 200 and BIO 201) and Statistics (MAT 107) are now optional for HLS majors. Why do I still see them on my degree evaluation?
Effective in the Fall 2022 catalog, these courses are optional and do have acceptable substitutes. If you were a student at SCSU before Fall 2022, you can request a change of catalog year to Fall 2022 here, or you can have the substitutions entered on a case-by-case basis. Check the page for your HLS concentration on this site for information, and discuss possible substitutions with your advisor.
I have a minor that includes courses that are also required in the HLS major, but they can't count for both. Can I do anything about this?
The university instituted a new policy in Fall 2021 that one course can count towards both a major and a minor. If you would like to take advantage of this, you can request a change of catalog year to Fall 2021 or any later catalog here.