Microsoft Azure
Microsoft Azure AD is a cloud computing platform, providing a broad range of cloud services, and that which allows SCSU’s IT department to manage computers in a seamless and secure way, even at a distance.
Azure provides better flexibility for our faculty and staff, enables IT to manage the machine from virtually anywhere, and brings elevated security to our devices. Users will no longer be required to bring the device onto campus and connect to our specific network in order to receive critical updates from the IT department or to receive certain enterprise software packages. Software packages and updates will now be available to install when the machine has any internet connection.
In conjunction with this migration, SCSU IT will also be rolling out a new wireless network on campus for Azure computers, delivering increased reliability and security: SCSU-Secure. Once migration is complete, this network will replace its predecessor SSL.
IT staff will be reaching out to each individual with a machine assigned to them to schedule an appointment for the migration, and work to address any questions or troubles that may arise.
Migrating your machine will not create a large learning curve, as minimal changes will be experienced. To help fill in the gaps of certain differences, we have created instructional guides below.
Instructional Guides:
Logging into an Azure machine: PDF