Recover Deleted Items in Outlook and Outlook on the Web
Accidents happen. When you accidentally delete an email message, contact, calendar item, task, or an entire folder from your Office 365 email account, you have the ability to self-recover such items. For example, you can recover deleted items if they're still in your Deleted Items folder. You also can recover some items even after the Deleted Items folder is emptied. The length of time an item can be recovered is currently 30 days from date of deletion.
Note: All SCSU user email is hosted on Microsoft Office365; as such, there is no ability for any SCSU representative to recover any message that is older than 30 days from date of deletion.
Depending on the client in use, you may recover deleted items via the following procedures:
Recover deleted items in Outlook on the web
1. Sign in to your account at http://outlook.office.com
2. In your email folder list, right-click Deleted Items, and then click Recover deleted items.
(image of the "recover deleted items" option)
3. Select the item you want, and then select Recover.
(image of the Recover button)
The recovered item is moved to one of the following locations: messages go to your Inbox, calendar items go to your Calendar, contacts go to your Contacts folder, and tasks go to your Tasks folder.
Recover deleted items in Outlook
1. In Outlook: Go to the Deleted Items folder to search for your missing item
(image of the Deleted Items folder)
2. Choose Folder > Recover Deleted Items
(image of the "recover deleted items" option)
3. Select the message or item you want to recover, and choose Restore Selected Items > Ok
(image of the Recover Deleted Items interface)
The recovered item is moved to one of the following locations: messages go to your Inbox, calendar items go to your Calendar, contacts go to your Contacts folder, and tasks go to your Tasks folder.