Banner Systems
To request a new Banner Admin or Argos account or to make changes to an existing Banner Admin or Argos account, please have your supervisor complete the following form: Banner/Argos Request Form (jotform.com).
Banner is the student information system at Southern Connecticut State University. Accessible via MyApps, Banner is separated into four applications:
- Banner General
- Banner Student
- Banner Faculty/Advising
- Banner Admin
Banner apps will be visible within your MyApps portal based on your role and permission level.
Please find a list of tools available under each of these Banner applications, below.
For instructional guides, go to: Inside Southern’s OneStop Faculty and Staff website.
Banner Student
- Academic Calendar
- Bill and Payment
- Financial Aid
- Hoot Loot ID Card
- Housing and Meal Plans
- Records and Registration
Banner General (Faculty/Staff use)
- Brio Password Reset Form
- Enterprise Application Resources
- PCRF Workflow
- Banner PopSel Tool
Banner Faculty/Advising (Faculty/Staff use)
- Academic Calendar
- Advisee Search
- Class Schedule Search
- Degree Audit Memos
- Faculty Attendance Entry
- Faculty Class Roster
- Faculty Grade Entry
- Faculty Grade Change
- Faculty Schedule
- Faculty Textbook Search
Banner Admin (Faculty/Staff use)
Formerly known as Banner sPROD, PROD, or INB, Banner Admin is the administrative interface used by faculty and staff as the primary student information system and financial business module. This includes curriculum and course data, student registration and records, and budget and purchasing information.