Recovery Support Services
View resource list on virtual meetings, social events and staff support events.
Student-specific Resources for Students in Recovery During a Time of Social Distancing
GroupMe group is for all students in recovery and the purpose is to connect students in recovery across the nation during a time of social distancing. Students in this group can connect, share information about virtual events and webinars and more.
Recovery Pen Pal program
Students will complete a survey, and ARHE interns and staff will match students based on their preferences and interests. Students will have the option to send snail mail, use video platforms, or email/call. Anyone interested in participating can fill out the survey.
Virtual Collegiate All-Recovery Meetings
Starting on March 16th:
- Monday - 7:00pm
- Wednesday - 1:30pm
- Friday - 3:00pm
Led by SAFE Collegiate Recovery Leadership Academy students
Join Online Meeing on Zoom
View PDF Flyer
SMART Recovery Meeting at Southern
For information visit SMART Recovery Connecticut meetings website.
Sundays 7-8pm
Online meeting 158-738-999:
Zoom link
Facilitator contact information
Shayn Ember: shayn@smartrecoveryct.org
David Hannon: dave78981@gmail.com
AA Meetings at Southern
Wednesday 8-9pm
Englman B210
Open to SCSU students and community members
Students For Recovery meeting
SCSU Peer Recovery support group on Tuesdays at 2pm. Please email keisers3@southernct.edu for the link for the meeting.
AA Meetings in New Haven
See the most current information about meetings in New Haven.
NA Meetings in New Haven
Hope to Grow/Speaker meeting
Trinity Luthern Church
234 Orange Street
Sundays: 7 p.m.
Fight Back/Speaker meeting
St.Pauls UAME church
150 Dwight Street
Second Time Around
St. Matthews Church - Robert J Gay building
400 Dixwell Ave., rear entrance
Al-anon in Hamden/New Haven
Harborside Health Care
850 Mix Ave., Hamden, CT 06514
Friday: 8 p.m.
ACOA (Adult Children Of Alcoholism)
Elm City Solution/Open Discussion
185 Spring St., New Haven, CT 06511
Wednesday: 7 p.m.
Strengthening My Recovery
Female only/Open discussion
185 Spring St., New Haven, CT 06511 (entrance center of building)
Fridays: 6:30 p.m.