Reimbursement for Out-of-Pocket Expenses of Less than $100
Since 1994, the university has employed a voucher system for a variety of small dollar purchases. Typically, the Voucher/Disbursement Request Form was used for subscription renewals, personal service agreement payments (i.e., after a PSA has been properly authorized), etc. However, over the last few years the use of this form has increased in scope, encompassing items for employee reimbursement. In the day-to-day activities of university business, there may be times when university staff has to expend personal funds to purchase items necessary for state business.
In these instances, the following procedures apply.
University employees may make purchases for allowable goods and services for official university use up to a limit of $100 and be reimbursed for such purchases. Departments may not sub-divide orders to fall under the $100 purchase limitation.
In order for the employee to be reimbursed for these purchases, the "Employee Voucher - Travel and Other - For Expense Incurred in the Service of the State of Connecticut " (CO-17XP), must be completed (attach original receipts) and submitted to the Accounts Payable Department within 30 calendar days of purchase. Reimbursement requests will no longer be accepted on a Voucher Request/Disbursement Form. The Voucher Request/Disbursement Form will only be utilized for the method intended (i.e., subscription renewals, PSA payments, non-employee reimbursements, etc.)
Below you will find a list of items that cannot be purchased through this process. Some of these items may be purchased through the regular purchasing process, while others are not appropriate charges to the university in any instance.
This procedure does not in any way replace the established purchasing procedure.
The university through state statutes is exempt from the payment of Connecticut state sales tax; therefore, the university will not reimburse employees for the Connecticut state sales tax. Sales tax exemption does not apply to meals; therefore, the employee will be reimbursed for sales tax related to meals.
This procedure cannot be used for the following items
Air conditioners / space heaters
Alcoholic beverages
Audio/Visual or photographic equipment
Art work (pictures, posters, statues, etc.)
Birthday cakes or office celebrations/parties
Business cards
Clothing (excluding protective wear)
Donations of any kind
Dry cleaning services
Employee entertainment
Flowers or gifts for Southern employees or their relatives
Fines and penalties
Furniture (tables, chairs, desks, lamps, etc.)
Kitchen appliances (coffee pots, microwave ovens, toasters, etc.)
Laundry services
Meals (departmental meals comprised entirely of university employees)**
Outdoor signage (except by Facilities Operations) / paint
Personal furnishings (briefcases, pen sets, etc.)
Plants and shrubs (except by Facilities Operations) professional or personal Services of any type
Purchase from a university employee or their immediate family*
Refreshments (coffee, tea, water, etc)**
Sporting goods (except by the Division of Athletics)
Telecommunications equipment
*Conflict of interest
**Please see refreshment policy