Mileage Information
Important Mileage Update 1/28/2025:
In accordance with the Federal General Services Administration and Office of the State Comptroller, the mileage reimbursement rate for employees using personally owned vehicles for official State business has changed to 70 cents per mile for travel on or after January 30, 2025. This is an increase of 3 cents from the 2024 rate (67 cents). Please ensure that your Travel Authorization and Employee Voucher reflects the new rate when submitting documents.
Current Mileage Rate
70 cents per mile for travel as of 1/30/2025
Historical Rates
67 cents per mile for travel as of 1/30/2024
65.5 cents per mile for travel as of 1/30/2023
62.5 cents per mile for travel as of 7/30/2022
58.5 cents per mile for travel as of 1/28/2022
56 cents per mile for travel as of 1/30/2021
57.5 cents per mile for travel as of 1/01/2020
58 cents per mile for travel as of 1/30/2019
Insurance Requirement
Travelers authorized to travel on State business using their personal vehicle must submit to the Travel Office, prior to reimbursement, a copy of the Declaration Page of the insurance policy that covers the vehicle to be used. The Declaration Page must show the policy limits, the names of the insured, and the effective dates of coverage (that which covers the date(s) of travel for which reimbursement is being requested), and must meet the minimum liability of insurance required by the State of Connecticut.
Those minimums currently are:
- Bodily Injury Liability: $50,000 each person/$100,000 each occurrence
- Property Damage $5,000
Alternatively, in lieu of the above, a combined $105,000 minimum for bodily injury and property damage is acceptable.
Calculating Mileage Reimbursement
Transportation of any kind between an employee's home and the official duty station is not reimbursable. If the use of a personally-owned motor vehicle by an employee is authorized to be used for official state business, and the employee leaves from and returns to his/her home rather than his/her duty station, the employee shall be reimbursed at an established mileage rate for travel less his/her regular commute (commute from home to official duty station). Please make sure to deduct these miles (as determined by www.Mapquest.com) on your mileage requests when appropriate. A printout of the Mapquest travel route must be included with the travel authorization or employee voucher. Please use Mapquest totals - do not round to the nearest dollar. See CSU Travel Policy for more information and examples.
To assist you with your calculations the Accounts Payable Office has created a spreadsheet to help you calculate your mileage reimbursement request. View the spreadsheet.
For travel between the CSU universities and the System Office, the following mileage chart must be utilized.