Frequently Asked Questions
Do I have to join the union?
No. You do not have to join the union; however, SUOAF-AFSCME is the sole and exclusive bargaining agent with respect to wages, hours, and conditions of employment for all administrative faculty members employed by CSU. Individual members cannot bargain on their own behalf. Even if you do not join the union, each administrative faculty member must pay union fees which are equal to union dues.
What's the difference between dues-paying members and fee-paying members?
If you fill out and submit an AFSCME application for membership you have joined the SUOAF-AFSCME union and are a member in full standing with all voting rights and other privileges. If you do not submit the AFSCME application you are considered a fees paying member and do not have full union privileges.
Do I have to sign my evaluation?
No, you do not have to sign the evaluation, although signing the document only means that you have received it, not that you agree with the contents.
How do I respond to my evaluation if I am in disagreement with it?
As stated in Article 19.3.6 of the Collective Bargaining Agreement, within 10 work days of the receipt of your evaluation, you may provide a written comment regarding its contents. Forward your written comments to your supervisor, the dean or vice president and the president. Your comments shall be placed in your personnel file, appended to the evaluation.
Can I receive funding through the union for professional development?
Yes. You can apply for professional development funds. The maximum award is $1000 per member per year. If you are eligible, you can also apply for minority recruitment and mentoring funds. The maximum award for recruitment and mentoring funds is $1,500 per member per year. The guidelines and the application are available for download. (See the "Forms and Documentation" page.)
Can I take time away from my job to attend union meetings?
Yes. Members shall be permitted to attend scheduled meetings of SUOAF or meetings of SUOAF committees without any loss or penalty provided that such attendance does not interfere with the discharge of their professional responsibilities. See Article 7.1.1 for additional information.
What's the difference between a term appointment and continuing appointment?
Administrative faculty members holding term appointments shall be renewed for service unless proper non-renewal notice is given. Members who hold term appointment can be non-renewed without cause. When an administrative faculty member receives continuing appointment it is similar to receiving tenure. Continuing appointment shall be effective until resignation, retirement, or termination for cause. The decision to grant or deny continuing appointment shall be made no later than the end of the member's sixth year of full-time service at the university.
What's my recourse if I am non-renewed?
Failure to renew a term appointment is grievable to Step II of the grievance procedure.
What's the difference between "exempt" and "non-exempt" statuses under the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA)?
If you are determined to be "exempt" under FLSA, you are not eligible to receive overtime pay. You can accrue compensatory time. If you are considered to be "non-exempt" under FLSA, you are entitled to overtime pay, not compensatory time.
What's the procedure for accruing and using compensatory time?
Members who are considered "exempt" under the FLSA can accrue compensatory time. Members are eligible for compensatory time only after working 40 hours in a week and with the approval of your supervisor. Please see Article 16.2 for additional information.
Who should I contact if I'm having a contractual problem or problem that I feel the union can help with?
You can call any member of the Executive Committee and we will assist you in resolving your issue.
When can I request union representation?
The Weingarten Rights allow you to request union representation when you are subjected to an investigatory interview and you believe that discipline or some adverse consequence may occur as a result of answering the questions of a supervisor or manager.