MSW Application Materials and Information
Graduate Social Work Program Virtual Information Session
Would you like to learn more about the MSW program at Southern? We will be holding our first virtual information session on Wednesday, August 28, 2024, from 5:00 p.m. - 6:00 p.m.
MSW Admissions Criteria
- Regionally accredited bachelor’s degree
- Grade point average of 3.0 or higher
(Grade point average of 2.5 to 3.0 will be considered for conditional admission) - Human services experience is a plus
- Commitment to the values and goals of the social work profession
Application Due Date
Applications accepted from September 1 to December 31 for admission the following academic year
- For best consideration, all materials must be received by December 31
- The program will receive late materials until February 28 on a space-available basis, provided that the application was begun by December 31
Application Materials
- School of Graduate and Professional Studies Application (online)
- MSW Application or Advanced Standing Application (embedded in the graduate application)
- Application fee
- Official transcripts from all colleges/universities attended (must be sent directly by the institution)
- Two recommendation letters (educational or professional) from professors and/or a supervisor or colleague
- Current résumé
- Essay (details below)
Students who graduated within the past six years with a Bachelor of Social Work degree from a program accredited by the Council on Social Work Education are eligible to apply for the 33-credit advanced standing social work program.
Advanced Standing (BSW Graduates Only)
Please submit the materials above and add the following:
- Practicum evaluation (mid-year for current BSW students; final evaluation for BSW graduates)
- For international students, BSW equivalency documentation from CSWE Social Work Degree (View recognition and evaluation services.)
Advanced Standing for BSW graduates from SCSU, CCSU, ECSU, or WCSU
- School of Graduate and Professional Studies Application (online)
- MSW Application or Advanced Standing Application (embedded in the graduate application)
- Application fee
- Official transcripts from all colleges/universities attended (must be sent directly by the institution)
- Two educational letters of recommendation: One from practicum seminar instructor and one from another faculty member
- Practicum evaluation (mid-year for current BSW students; final evaluation for BSW graduates)
- Essay and resume are waived
For more information, visit the SGPS Master's Programs page.
MSW Personal Essay
This essay will show your ability to think analytically, to write clearly, and to promote the values and goals of the social work profession. Your essay should be no longer than two typed pages, double-spaced, in 12 pt. font. Please answer the specific prompt on the MSW application.
Essay Question
The National Association of Social Workers (NASW) Code of Ethics (2021) defines the core values of social work as:
- Service
- Social justice
- Dignity and worth of the person
- Importance of human relationships
- Integrity
How do social workers promote one or more of these core values? How will you apply one or more of these values in your social work career?
Questions regarding the application process may be directed to socialwork@southernct.edu.