See helpful personal finance videos, college student discounts, recommended reading and many more resources for financial wellness.
- Paying for College
- Be Wise with Money
- Miracle of compound interest
- Budgeting
- How is your FICO score determined?
- Start with a Sound Financial Lifestyle
- Sesame Street's sunnier financial days
- Savings: Brought to you by the letter S
- Student Loan Rule of thumb video
- Playing Monopoly with Real Money with Adam Carroll and Family
- Voices of Student Debt
- Critical Money Lessons for College Students
- One Life-Changing Class You Never Took (Alexa von Tobel)
- How to land a college scholarship
- How to Improve Credit by MissBeHelpful
- Compound Interest by Reis Up
- College Daze: Refund Check
- Personal Finance videos from Khan Academy
- Debt Information for Teens, by Karen Bellenir
- Paying for College Without Going Broke, by Kalman Chany
- Debt-Free U, by Zac Bissonnette
- America, Welcome To The Poorhouse, by Jane White
- The Opposite of Spoiled, by Ron Lieber
- The Simple Dollar, by Trent Hamm
- Generation Earn, by Kimberly Palmer
- MONEY Master The Game, by Tony Robbins
- The Total Money Makeover, by Dave Ramsey
- The Financial Aid Handbook, by Carol Stack and Ruth Vedvik
- There is Life After College, by Jeff Selingo
- The College Solution, by Lynn O'Shaughnessy
- Paying the Price, by Sara Goldrick-Rab
- Making the Most of Your Money Now, by Jane Bryant Quinn
- Raising Financially Confident Kids, by Mary Hunt
- 1001 Ways to Pay for College, by Gen and Kelly Tanabe
- Get a Financial Life and Make Your Kid A Money Genius, by Beth Kobliner
- Broke Millennial, by Erin Lowry
- Smart Money, Smart Kids, by Dave Ramsey and Rachel Cruze
- Reality Check, College Edition: The Student's Guide to the Real World, by Grant Baldwin
- Cash, Credit and Your Finances: The Teen Years, by Jill Russo Foster
- The Complete Guide to Personal Finance for Teenagers and College Students, revised 2nd edition, by Tamsen Butler
- The Automatic Millionaire, by David Bach
- Think and Grow Rich, by Napoleon Hill
- How to Raise an Adult: Break Free from the Overparenting Trap and Prepare Your Kid for Success, by Julie Lythcott-Haims
- The Money Savvy Student, by Adam Carroll
- Kids These Days: Human Capital and the Making of Millenials, by Malcolm Harris
- The Index Card: Why Personal Finance Doesn't Have to be Complicated, by Helaine Olen and Harold Pollack
- Nudge, by Richard H. Thaler and Cass R. Sunstein
- Thinking Fast and Slow, by Daniel Kahneman
- Predictably Irrational, by Dan Ariely
- Secrets of the Millionaire Mind, by T. Harv Eker
- A Comedic Guide To Money, by Colin Ryan
- How to Graduate Debt Free, by Kristina Ellis
- Get Money, by Kristin Wong
- Financially Fearless, by Alexa Von Tobel
- A Random Walk Down Wall Street, by Burton G. Malkiel
- Financial Freedom, by Grant Sabatier
- Your Money or Your Life, by Vicki Robin
- The Latte Factor, by David Bach
- I Will Teach You To Be Rich, by Ramit Sethi
- The Bogelheads Guide to Investing, by T. Larimore, M. Lindauer, and M. LeBoeuf
- Napkin Finance, by Tina Hay
- Debt Free Degree, by Anthony O'Neal
- The Way to Wealth, by Benjamin Franklin
- One Click: Jeff Bezos and the Rise of Amazon.com, by Richard L Brandt
- Unshakeable, by Tony Robbins
- America's Cheapest Family Gets You Right on the Money, by Steve and Annette Economides
- Dollars and Sense, by Jeff Kreisler and Dan Ariely
- Financial Words You Should Know, by P.T. Shank and Michele Cagan
- Indebted, by Caitlin Zaloom
- The Price You Pay for College, by Ron Lieber
- The Behavior Gap, by Carl Richards
- The Richest Man in Babylon, by George Clason
- How To Change, by Katy Milkman
- ABCs for Financial Independence, by Lisa Paniccia
- How to Pay for College, by Ann Garcia
- The Debt Trap, By Josh Mitchell
- Making College Pay, by Beth Akers
- Money in Your Twenties, by Kristen Jacks
- Finance For The People, by Paco De Leon
- Deeper than Money, by Chloe Elise
- Make Money Move, by Lauren Simmons
- Life or Debt, by Stacy Johnson
- The Psychology of Money, by Morgan Housel
- Paying for College, by Kalman Chany
- Financial Literacy For All, by John Hope Bryant
- Why Smart People Make Big Money Mistakes, by Gary Belesky & Thomas Gilovich
- Ask Questions, Save Money, Make More by Matt Schulz
- Start Thinking Rich by Dr. Brad Klontz & Adrian Brambila
- College Student Guide to Financial Literacy
- A Comprehensive Guide to Your Finances
- Intuit Turbo Blog
- Student Budget Calculator from Credit Donkey
- Understanding Financial Literacy from Masters in Accounting Guides, shared by Ava C.
- Money Management for Kids in Grades K-12, shared by Aiden
- Accounting: Teens and Kids, shared by Piper & Andrea M.
- Teaching Children About Money, shared by Fiscal Tiger
- Kids & Teens Banking and Financial Literacy, shared by Sarah
- Economic resources for At Home Learning shared by Skylar
- Your Spending Your Savings Your Future from Nefe
- Tus Gastos Tus Ahorros Tus Futuro from Nefe
- Teacher's Guide to Financial Literacy shared by Coupon Chief
- CT Dollars and Sense
- 40 Money Management Tips for College Students
- 40 Consejos Para Administratr El Dinero
- Ultimate Guide to Financial Literacy link
- A Guide to Financial Literacy for Kids link
- Money Matters to Tackle While You're Still a Student article
- Foundations U
- Student Guide to Credit
- Free Online calculators
- Financial Literacy Guidance from Federal Student Aid
- Institute for Financial Literacy
- Financial Literacy from Annuity.org
- Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC)
- Financial capability quiz
- Money personality quiz
- Practical Money Skills - For Life
- 360 Degrees of Financial Literacy
- MyMoney.gov and MilitarySaves.org
- Federal Student Aid Glossary and Finance Vocabulary
- Jump$tart Coalition for Personal Financial Literacy
- Americasaves.org
- The Simple Dollar
Free Application for Federal Student Aid – FAFSA
- 1-800-4-FED-AID
- Use the estimator to estimate the student aid index (SAI)
- SCSU’s priority date is March 15, but submit Oct. 1 annually
- FAFSA Hooray You-tube video
Office of Financial Aid & Scholarships (Wintergreen Building)
Student Accounts Office (Wintergreen Building)
- Fall bills due July 15
- Spring bills due Dec. 15
- Summer, Winter and Spring break bills due upon registration
Cross Point Federal Credit Union (Adanti Student Center)
- Food Security Programs
- Net price calculator
- Understanding your money (Mint.com)
- The Economic Value of College Majors
- Veterans scholarships from Nitro College
- Army Veteran Scholarships
- The College Payoff: Education, Occupations, Lifetime Earnings
- CT Department of Higher Education (pdf)
- CT Department of Higher Education student financial aid (Office of Higher Education)