
See helpful personal finance videos, college student discounts, recommended reading and many more resources for financial wellness.

  1. Debt Information for Teens, by Karen Bellenir
  2. Paying for College Without Going Broke, by Kalman Chany
  3. Debt-Free U, by Zac Bissonnette
  4. America, Welcome To The Poorhouse, by Jane White
  5. The Opposite of Spoiled, by Ron Lieber
  6. The Simple Dollar, by Trent Hamm
  7. Generation Earn, by Kimberly Palmer
  8. MONEY Master The Game, by Tony Robbins
  9. The Total Money Makeover, by Dave Ramsey
  10. The Financial Aid Handbook, by Carol Stack and Ruth Vedvik
  11. There is Life After College, by Jeff Selingo
  12. The College Solution, by Lynn O'Shaughnessy
  13. Paying the Price, by Sara Goldrick-Rab
  14. Making the Most of Your Money Now, by Jane Bryant Quinn
  15. Raising Financially Confident Kids, by Mary Hunt
  16. 1001 Ways to Pay for College, by Gen and Kelly Tanabe
  17. Get a Financial Life and Make Your Kid A Money Genius, by Beth Kobliner
  18. Broke Millennial, by Erin Lowry
  19. Smart Money, Smart Kids, by Dave Ramsey and Rachel Cruze
  20. Reality Check, College Edition: The Student's Guide to the Real World, by Grant Baldwin
  21. Cash, Credit and Your Finances: The Teen Years, by Jill Russo Foster
  22. The Complete Guide to Personal Finance for Teenagers and College Students, revised 2nd edition, by Tamsen Butler
  23. The Automatic Millionaire, by David Bach
  24. Think and Grow Rich, by Napoleon Hill
  25. How to Raise an Adult: Break Free from the Overparenting Trap and Prepare Your Kid for Success, by Julie Lythcott-Haims
  26. The Money Savvy Student, by Adam Carroll
  27. Kids These Days: Human Capital and the Making of Millenials, by Malcolm Harris
  28. The Index Card: Why Personal Finance Doesn't Have to be Complicated, by Helaine Olen and Harold Pollack
  29. Nudge, by Richard H. Thaler and Cass R. Sunstein
  30. Thinking Fast and Slow, by Daniel Kahneman
  31. Predictably Irrational, by Dan Ariely
  32. Secrets of the Millionaire Mind, by T. Harv Eker
  33. A Comedic Guide To Money, by Colin Ryan
  34. How to Graduate Debt Free, by Kristina Ellis
  35. Get Money, by Kristin Wong
  36. Financially Fearless, by Alexa Von Tobel
  37. A Random Walk Down Wall Street, by Burton G. Malkiel
  38. Financial Freedom, by Grant Sabatier
  39. Your Money or Your Life, by Vicki Robin
  40. The Latte Factor, by David Bach
  41. I Will Teach You To Be Rich, by Ramit Sethi
  42. The Bogelheads Guide to Investing, by T. Larimore, M. Lindauer, and M. LeBoeuf
  43. Napkin Finance, by Tina Hay
  44. Debt Free Degree, by Anthony O'Neal
  45. The Way to Wealth, by Benjamin Franklin
  46. One Click: Jeff Bezos and the Rise of, by Richard L Brandt
  47. Unshakeable, by Tony Robbins
  48. America's Cheapest Family Gets You Right on the Money, by Steve and Annette Economides
  49. Dollars and Sense, by Jeff Kreisler and Dan Ariely
  50. Financial Words You Should Know, by P.T. Shank and Michele Cagan
  51. Indebted, by Caitlin Zaloom
  52. The Price You Pay for College, by Ron Lieber
  53. The Behavior Gap, by Carl Richards
  54. The Richest Man in Babylon, by George Clason
  55. How To Change, by Katy Milkman
  56. ABCs for Financial Independence, by Lisa Paniccia
  57. How to Pay for College, by Ann Garcia
  58. The Debt Trap, By Josh Mitchell
  59. Making College Pay, by Beth Akers
  60. Money in Your Twenties, by Kristen Jacks
  61. Finance For The People, by Paco De Leon
  62. Deeper than Money, by Chloe Elise
  63. Make Money Move, by Lauren Simmons
  64. Life or Debt, by Stacy Johnson
  65. The Psychology of Money, by Morgan Housel
  66. Paying for College, by Kalman Chany
  67. Financial Literacy For All, by John Hope Bryant
  68. Why Smart People Make Big Money Mistakes, by Gary Belesky & Thomas Gilovich
  69. Ask Questions, Save Money, Make More by Matt Schulz
  70. Start Thinking Rich by Dr. Brad Klontz & Adrian Brambila

Free Application for Federal Student Aid – FAFSA

Office of Financial Aid & Scholarships (Wintergreen Building)

Student Accounts Office (Wintergreen Building)

  • Fall bills due July 15
  • Spring bills due Dec. 15
  • Summer, Winter and Spring break bills due upon registration

Cross Point Federal Credit Union (Adanti Student Center)