Inclement Weather Emergencies
Inclement weather can impact the university during any time of the year, but is most likely to occur during the winter weather season, when Connecticut is generally hit with many snow storms. Other examples of inclement weather include ice storms, hail storms and heavy winds (less than a hurricane).
Individual and Group Safety Information
The safety of students, faculty and staff is paramount during inclement weather. Sometimes, conditions in New Haven may be significantly different from those in an individual's location. If conditions are such that traveling may be hazardous, contact your supervisor or instructor as soon as possible to inform him/her of your particular situation. In such situations, each person must decide whether traveling to the university is necessary and prudent.
Notify the program manager responsible for animal safety precautions within any animal-based university research labs. The program manager is responsible for ensuring the continuity of this research and academic programming.
In Case of Extreme Weather Conditions
In the event of weather-related university closings, delayed openings or early dismissals, an announcement will be made by 6 a.m. via campuswide email, the University home page, Facebook, area media (radio and TV) and the SouthernAlert mass notification system.
The administration will also notify TV stations, including WTNH and WFSB, as well as radio stations, including WELI New Haven (960 AM), WICC Bridgeport (600 AM), WDRC Hartford (102.9 FM), WATR Waterbury (1320 AM), WNLC New London (1510 AM), and WSTC Stamford (1400 AM). The radio cancellation announcement for morning classes will normally be made by 6 a.m. The cancellationannouncement for early afternoon classes will normally be made by 10 a.m.
Please note that, while the university does use radio and television stations to issue weather closing announcements, there is sometimes a delay before these reports are aired.
If the university is open for part of the day, announcements regarding afternoon classes will be made by 10 a.m., and evening classes by 2 p.m.
Cancellation decisions for special events, theater presentations, or athletic events will be made four hours prior to the scheduled start time of the event.
If you haven’t updated your SouthernAlert profile for text messaging, please do so; otherwise, you will receive notifications through email only.
Note that the WeatherChek phone line, 392-SNOW, has been phased out and will no longer be used for weather-related notifications.
If you are a faculty or staff member, please do not arrive on campus before the stated opening time on a snow day. Vehicles in the lots impede the clean-up process.
Similarly, residence hall students should move their cars from surface lots to the Wintergreen or West Campus parking garages (not the top levels) when a snow closing/delay announcement is made.