An explosion is a sudden increase in volume and release of energy in a violent manner, usually with the generation of high temperatures and the release of gases. The health, safety and welfare of individuals in the workplace are predicated upon a heightened awareness of the risks associated with the handling of flammable or explosive material. In addition, steps should be taken to eliminate, reduce and control those risks.
Individual and Group Safety Information
The following are safety tips that should be followed in the event of an explosion:
- Know the exit/escape routes in advance from your office, floor and building.
- Be aware of the location of fire extinguishers and how to use them.
- If you are unable to evacuate because of the explosion, once in an area of refuge, immediately contact the University Police Department.
- Once outside of the explosion area, stay a safe distance away from the scene.
- If you know how to extinguish a fire and are able to do so without endangering yourself or others, you may do so.
- Notify the program manager responsible for animal safety precautions within any animal-based university research labs. The program manager is responsible for ensuring the continuity of this research and academic programming.