Interdisciplinary Minors

Social Science and Medicine

Kathleen N. Skoczen

Professor Of Anthropology
Engleman C027 C
(203) 392-5679

Completion of this minor enhances the undergraduate education of students who pursue professional careers in the medical field (e.g., doctor, nurses), field of social work and public health, research careers related to medicine (e.g., sociology, history of medical, medical anthropology, environmental health) or business administration within health services. The minor will require a total of 18 credits but no more than 9 credits from any one discipline. 

Global Studies

Kathleen N. Skoczen
Professor of Anthropology
Engleman C027B
(203) 392-5679

Forensic Science 

Valerie Andrushko

Associate Professor Of Anthropology
Department Secretary: (203) 392-7003

18 Credits Required

This interdisciplinary minor provides an introduction to the field of forensic science and is meant to present a broad, integrated view of its various sub-disciplines. The forensic science minor addresses topics such as crime scene documentation and reconstruction, criminalistics, and DNA analysis. The minor is composed of courses in anthropology, biology, chemistry, psychology, and sociology, reflecting the interdisciplinary nature of forensic science. Students benefit from this interdisciplinary approach and draw connections among the diverse course offerings to gain a comprehensive introduction to the forensic sciences.

This interdisciplinary minor helps students prepare themselves for careers in criminal justice, law, government, and academia, among other areas. Students considering the forensic science minor should consult with the minor coordinator and complete a declaration form. The minor is jointly sponsored by the Anthropology, Biology, Chemistry, Psychology, and Sociology Departments.


The Anthropology Department offers field experiences in all sub-disciplines in anthropology (archaeology, biological, cultural, & linguistics).  Students may choose to work in the U.S. (locally or nationally) or, internationally in the Dominican Republic, Ethiopia, Guatemala, Peru, and Western Europe.

To declare an Anthropology Minor, please click on the link and log-in here.