Nominations and Elections
The Administrative Faculty Senate (AFS) provides members of the Administrative Faculty (including administrative fauclty [SUOAF] and Management/Confidential employees) a voice regarding the governance and policy-making decisions of the university. Additionally, the AFS offer advice in all matters affecting the quality and mission of the university, directly to the university president. Senators are elected by their peers and serve a two year term, representing the interests of their colleagues.
Membership and Eligibility
The Administrative Faculty Senate is composed of all SUOAF and Management/Confidential employees of the University, who are not current members of the President’s Cabinet. The senate membership shall be 10% of SCSU administrative faculty (but no more than 30 senators).
Senate Term
The term of office for a senator shall be two years (currently June 2023 - May 2025).
Commitment Expectations
Each senator is expected to attend a monthly Senate meeting and serve on at least one standing or special committee (e.g., Nominations & Elections, Sabbatical Leave, Budget), which may meet periodically. Senators are also expected to bring (non-union) issues and concerns of their colleagues/areas/communities before the Senate.
The Administrative Faculty Senate will solicit senate nominations from May 1 – May 15, 2023. The nomination form will be shared with eligible members via email. Self-nominations are encouraged. Candidates are encouraged to share a brief bio (150 words or less) that will be shared on the elections ballot. Nominations will be accepted via the AFS Nominations Form and during the Nominations Meeting to be held (virtually) on Monday, May 15, 2023, after which time nominations will close.
Administrative Faculty Senate elections will be held electronically Monday, May 22 and concluded Friday, June 2 at 4:30 pm. Eligible members will receive an email invitation to vote online. Election results will be announced ahead of the AFS Annual Meeting, scheduled for June 15th. The order of business for the Annual Meeting will be election of officers for the Executive Board (including President, Vice President, Secretary for Internal Communications, and Secretary for External Communications).