Public Health Honors and Awards
There are several opportunities for support and recognition of academic pursuits and achievement available to undergraduate and graduate students. The following is a sampling of opportunities offered through the Department of Public Health, the Alumni Association, and the community.
Undergraduate Options:
Public Health Award for Excellence
The Public Health Award for Excellence is given each year to two undergraduate public health majors whose exemplary academic achievement and exceptional service to the department and/or community presages great and meaningful contributions to the field of public health. The awards are given each year to one student specializing in environmental health and one student specializing in health promotion.
Dr. A. Kay Keiser Valedictory Award/Public Health Chapter Endowed Award
Dr. A. Kay Keiser taught in the Department of Public Health from 1988 until her death in 2005. Her commitment to students and public education continues through this award, which will be presented annually to the graduating students with the highest GPAs in both the undergraduate and graduate programs.
Graduate Options:
Outstanding M.P.H Student Award
Awarded to the graduating senior who has a combination of a high G.P.A. and service to the Department and /or profession.
Graduate Research Fellow
The School of Graduate Studies holds a Graduate Research Fellowship Competition each year for full-time graduates students working towards the master's degree or sixth year diploma program. Each fellowship award is in the amount of $8,000.
Applications require departmental nomination, sponsorship by a member of the graduate faculty who will serve as a research advisor, and must be associated with scholarly research of a quality that can be submitted for refereed publication or in a refereed creative activity appropriate to the academic discipline.
Dr. A. Kay Keiser Valedictory Award/Public Health Chapter Endowed Award
Dr. A. Kay Keiser taught in the Department of Public Health from 1988 until her death in 2005. Her commitment to students and public education continues through this award, which will be presented annually to the graduating students with the highest GPAs in both the undergraduate and graduate programs.
Graduate School Graduate Assistantship (GSGA)
The School of Graduate Studies holds a Graduate Assistantship competition each year for full-time graduate students working towards the master's degree or sixth year diploma program. Graduate students must have a minimum 3.3 GPA for all undergraduate coursework and 3.5 GPA for graduate coursework. Each GSGA award involves a scholarship and stipend totaling $16,000 (based upon 2007-2008 academic year). Up to ten awards will be made for the academic year by the Dean of the School of Graduate Studies.
Options for B.S. and M.P.H. students:
Eta Sigma Gamma National Honors Society
The mission of the honorary is promotion of the discipline by elevating the standards, ideals, competence and ethics of professionally prepared men and women in Health Education.
Who's Who Among Students in American Universities and Colleges
The Department participates in this national program that annually honors outstanding university leaders for their scholastic, civic, and community achievemnets, deserving students are nominated by faculty.
Southern Scholarship Program
The SCSU Alumni Association and SCSU Foundation, Inc. will provide an online scholarship application from October 1, 2014 to December 31, 2014. All currently enrolled full- or part- time undergraduate and graduate students are eligible provided the minimal requirements below are met. Awards will be applied to the 2015-2016 academic year.