Important Payroll Message
Updated: April 8, 2020
During this time when campuses are closed, we know that some of you are able to continue your jobs remotely, while others, unfortunately, cannot.
However, Southern has made a commitment that students with work study and institutional job wages will be continue to be paid this semester. If you are working remotely, you’ll need to submit your timesheet for the hours you’ve worked, as you usually do. If you’re no longer working this semester, you don’t need to submit anything – the average time you usually worked will be calculated for you. Again: only include actual hours worked on your timesheet.
If you’re working remotely and you typically record your hours online there is no change from the normal procedure, except that you must use the code REGTC (in the box that says Time Reporting Code) and then the override code TCC19 (in the next box to the right that says Override Reason Code) instead of the REG that you would customarily use. If you are on a paper timesheet please email the completed form directly to your supervisor marking the hours that you worked as REGTC with override code TCC19. Download timesheet forms.
Your supervisor will enter the additional hours necessary to ensure that your bi-weekly payments reflect the average number of hours you have worked in the past, if those hours are more than what you are able to work today. You do not need to do anything to make this happen.
Timesheets must be submitted by the end of the day on Thursday, 4/9. Now more than ever, we need timely submissions. Due to time constraints on remote processing, late timesheets may not be processed!
If you need to reset your Core-Ct password, please email corepasswordreset@southernct.edu. If you have a question about this process, please email Loren Loomis Hubbell at loomishubbl1@southernct.edu.
During this time when campuses are closed, we know that some of you are able to continue your jobs remotely and others, unfortunately cannot. However, Southern has made a commitment to continue to pay its University Assistants - either for the hours that you are working, or the average weekly hours that you worked before the closure of campus.
If you are working remotely, coding your timesheet is simple: just submit your time as you normally do for the hours you have worked. If you submit your hours online, there is no change from the normal procedure save that you use the code REGTC and override code TCC19 instead of the REG that you would customarily use. If you are on a paper timesheet, please email the completed form directly to your supervisor clearly marking the time actually worked as REGTC and TCC19.
This process will continue through the already scheduled end date for your work appointment. For many people that date is 6/30/20. Your supervisor will enter additional hours necessary to ensure that your bi-weekly payments reflect the average number of hours you have worked in the past, if those hours are more than what you are able to work today. If you are not currently working, your supervisor will enter the average number of hours that you typically work.
Please enter your timesheets by the end of the day on Thursday, 4/9. Now more than ever, we need timely submissions. Due to time constraints on remote processing, late timesheets may not be processed!
If you need to reset your Core-CT password, please email corepasswordreset@southernct.edu. If you have a question about this process, please email Loren Loomis Hubbell.
In order to meet our commitment to hold university assistants and students harmless for their Southern jobs, for the balance of the spring semester, we have developed a procedure that both pays them for time worked and ensures that a minimum number of hours, based on individual work history, are paid each period. You have an important role in making this happen and we appreciate your support for these emergency procedures.
Students and UAs have been instructed to submit timesheets only for actual hours worked, using the payroll codes REGTC and TCC19, by the end of the day on Thursday, 4/9.
Here are the steps for supervisors. Thank you, in advance, for following the steps and timelines below (and in the document attached). Both are crucial for timely and appropriate payments to our UAs and students.