Living on Campus
The purpose of the Office of Residence Life is to provide a purposeful on-campus living experience that fosters diverse communities, encourages academic growth, and provides the opportunity for your student to build long-lasting relationships. We, here at Residence Life, want you to know that we are not only here for your student, but we are also here for you too! We understand that while students are making transitions into college life, such as living on campus, parents are also learning and adapting to college life as well. Therefore, we highly encourage you to reach out to us at any time!
Why should my student live on campus?
Living on campus not only places students in close proximity to classes and the resources Southern has to offer, but it also opens doors for student involvement and leadership opportunities on campus and provides a chance for students to maximize their overall college experience.
Residence Halls
Our residence halls are the perfect place for your student to step out of their comfort zone and meet new people. Making friends and new memories while getting their education offers them an additional layer of support as they are growing into mature, independent, and responsible adults. There are 9 residence halls that your student can pick from to live in. There are some that require a specific number of credits or meal plans. The residence halls can vary from apartment-style to a standard double room. There are various living-learning communities (LLCs), or themed housing communities, in certain residence halls that are made for specific areas, majors, and interests. these communities help foster a specific type of community for residents to bond over. A list of residence halls is listed here.
Meal Plans
All first-year students are required to maintain the Full Meal plan, which offers daily meal access to Connecticut Hall and two swipes! Other meal plans are detailed on Hoot Loot's Campus Meal Plans. Here are the chart details for meal plans based on which Residence Hall your student will be living in.
The resident advisors, who are residents that provide leadership, guidance, and support to the residents on their floor, also focus on community building with programming throughout each semester. On top of this, your student can run for a position on hall council. This group of residents focuses on programming for residents in the building as well. And every weekend Pro Con hosts events in the Farnham Programming Space or Residence Life Quad.
To learn more, click here.
The Office of Residence Life
We are located in Schwartz Hall, 1st floor, Room 105!
Contact Residence Life