For Employers
Southern is actively recruiting businesses that are interested in hiring student interns as well as graduates for job positions. Southern students tend to work off-campus for pay far more than students in peer institutions. Thus, they already have a great deal of job experience.
If you are interested in learning more about arranging for an intern, please get in touch with the Coordinators of the following internship programs:
Internship Program | Contact Person(s) | Contact Person's Email |
BioPath | Dr. Todd Ryder and Dr. Nicolas Edgington |
rydert1@southernct.edu and edgingtonn1@southernct.edu |
Journalism Internship | Cindy Simoneau | simoneauc1@southernct.edu |
Office for STEM Innovation and Leadership Internships |
Winnie Yu | stem-il@southernct.edu |
Political Science Internships | Patricia Olney | olneyp1@southernct.edu |
Anthropology Internships | Kenneth McGill | mcgillk1@southernct.edu |
Graphic Design Internships | Alex Girard | girarda5@southernct.edu |
Biology Internships | Sean Grace | graces@southernct.edu |
Chemistry Internships | Jeffrey Webb | webbj6@southernct.edu |
Communications Internships | Sara Baker | bakers21@southernct.edu |
Computer Science Internships | Lisa Lancor | lancorl1@southernct.edu |
Earth Science Internships | Dushmantha Jayawickreme | jayawickred1@southernct.edu |
English Internships | Cindy Stretch | stretchc1@southernct.edu |
Environment, Geography, and Marine Science Internships |
Patrick Heidkamp | heidkampc1@southernct.edu |
History Internships | Christine Petto | pettoc1@southernct.edu |
Mathematics Internships | Aaron Clark | math.chair@southernct.edu |
Media Studies | Rosemarie Conforti | confortir1@southernct.edu |
Philosophy Internships | David Pettigrew | pettigrewd1@southernct.edu |
Physics Internships | Elliott Horch | horche2@southernct.edu |
Psychology Internships | Christopher Budnick | budnickc1@southernct.edu |
Sociology Internships | Gregory Adams | adamsg1@southernct.edu |
Theatre Internships | Mike Skinner | skinnerm2@southernct.edu |
Women's Studies | Tricia Lin | liny4@southernct.edu |
World Languages and Literature | Miaowei Weng | wengm2@southernct.edu |
Medical Spanish Internship Programs | Luisa Piemontese | piemontesel1@southernct.edu |
To Post An Internship Opportunity
If you wish to advertise your employement/internship opportunities to Southern students and graduates, please post on the university JOBs site. Follow the link below to post your job/internship opportunity. Small companies are encouraged to apply!
Please contact Career Services with any questions/comments:
Site: Career Services
Email: CareerServices@SouthernCT.edu
Phone: (203)-392-6517
Voicemails are welcome and processed quickly.