FMLA - III. Reasons for Leave
- Personal Medical Leave – For an employee to take time off from work for the employee’s own serious health condition.
- The employee’s own illness or injury;
- The disability period related to employee’s pregnancy and childbirth;
- The donation of an organ by the employee;
- The donation of blood marrow by the employee.
- Caregiver Leave – For an employee to take time off from work to care for the employee’s child, spouse or parent in connection with:
- Their disability period related to pregnancy and childbirth;
- Their organ or bone marrow donation; or
- Their other serious health condition.
Note: State FMLA also allows employees to take caregiver leave for the employee’s parent-in-law.
- Bonding Leave - For an employee to take time off from work in order to:
- Bond with a newborn child;
- Process the adoption of a child or bond with a newly adopted child; or
- Process the placement of a foster child or bond with a newly placed foster child.
Note: Leave to bond with a foster child is available under federal and state fml only. It is not a covered reason for leave under the SEBAC Supplemental Agreement.
- Military Caregiver Leave for a current service member – For a spouse, son, daughter, parent or next of kin to care for a covered service member who has a serious illness or injury while on covered duty; or
- Military Caregiver Leave for a veteran – For a spouse, son, daughter, parent or next of kin to care for a veteran who incurred a serious injury or illness while on covered active duty (federal FMLA only applies).
- Qualifying Exigency Leave – Under certain circumstances for a spouse, son, daughter, parent or next of kin to take time off from work due to a “qualifying exigency” that arises out of or is directly related to the fact that a spouse, son, daughter or parent of the employee is on covered active duty.
Military Family Leave, is very specific, and only federal FMLA and State FMLA are available. For information and required forms, please contact the Office of Human Resources directly.