M.S. Recreation and Leisure Studies
The Master of Science degree program in recreation and leisure studies is designed to prepare students for supervision, administration, and management of recreation programs and facilities. Areas of specialization are: Recreation Therapy or Recreation Administration.
The specialization program in recreation therapy can be designed to meet certification requirements of the National Council for Therapeutic Recreation Certification (NCTRC). The specialization in Recreation Administration prepares students for advanced careers in the field of parks, recreation, and tourism.
Beyond the core and specialization related classes, students are required to take a practicum based course to gain career related experience. The curriculum is also individualized and structured to meet the needs of students who are working full time by offering courses mostly in the evenings or on weekends using both traditional and hybrid formats.
The curriculum is competency based with a strong emphasis on the professional skills necessary to be an effective manager or service provider. A combination of didactic course work, practicum experiences, and independent study activities provides students with a broad array of learning experiences to further their professional development. Elective courses are approved in order to best serve the academic and professional interest of the students.
The normal sequence for completion of a master ’s degree program is four consecutive terms of classwork in addition to completion of a special project, thesis, or comprehensive exam.