Health and Movement Sciences News

SCSU's first graduate of the Respiratory Therapy Program is having a big impact at Boston Children's Hospital!
Read the full story.

It was an exciting week at the CTAHPERD Conference. Check out the details and pictures on ourFacebook Page.

Dr. Bonnie Edmondson was recently featured on the front page of the New Haven Register.
Read the full story.

NY Jet Punter Lachan Edwards credits new Exercise Science Department faculty member, Dr. Scott Talpey with helping to get him to the NFL!
Read the full story.

SCSU Exercise Science Department awarded a gold-level recognition for its Education is Medicine (EIM) program!
Check out how the Exercise Physiology Club helped make that happen!

Dr. Sharon Misasi is in Moscow, Russia serving as the Athletic Trainer for the United States Figure Skating team at the International Skating Union Grand Prix.
Check out some of the sites while traveling in Russia on our Facebook Page!

The Connecticut Association for Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance partnered with the SCSU Exercise Science Department to bring Drums Alive to Connecticut! Thirty public school teachers and over twenty university students attended this two-day workshop. Special thanks to Dr. Yang and Professor Panichas for organizing this great event!
Check out some of the pictures and videos!

The New England Chapter of the American College of Sports Medicine honored Faculty-Emeritus Dr. Joan Finn today in their Inaugural Legacy Lecture Series. Alumnus Dr. Robert Kenefick, Research Physiologist at U.S. Army Research Institute of Environmental Medicine, delivered a lecture on Dehydration and Sport: When it Matters and Why

EXS-Physical Education major, Shannon O'Malley is studying abroad at John Moores University in Liverpool, England during the Fall 2016 semester.