Earth Science Student Research
Student Research Presentations
* = SCSU student Author
Chernowsky, B.*, Cooper Boemmels, J.R. (2024) Photogrammetry and outcrop -scale mapping of brittle structures within the Orenaug Basalt, Pomperaug Basin, Connecticut, Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, v. 56.
Cooper Boemmels, J.R., Crespi, J.M., Galicia Barrientos, G.*(2024) Understanding Early Cretaceous intraplate magmatism in northern New England: A structural perspective, Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, v. 56.
Fedorchuk, N.D., Cordie, D., Vollhardt, H.*, Regan, E.*, Morales, I.* (2023) Sedimentology and paleoweathering trends of Devonian/Mississippian boundary strata, northeast/central Pennsylvania: implications for glaciation in the Appalachian Basin, Geological Society of America Annual Meeting, Abstracts with Programs, v. 55 (6).
Vollhardt, H.*, Fedorchuk, N.D., Morales, I.*, Cordie, D., Regan, E.C.*(2023) Geochemical and sedimentological investigation of possible Devonian-Mississippian glaciation in the Appalachian Basin, Pennsylvania, Geological Society of America Annual Meeting, Abstracts with Programs, v. 55 (2).
Taylor, B.* and Cooper Boemmels, J., 2022, Exploring Evidence for Early Mesozoic Faulting in the Western Orange-Milford Belt of Connecticut: Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, v. 53, no. 3.
Regan, E.C.*, Fedorchuk, N.D., Cordie, D., Turner, M., Novichkov (2022) Sedimentology and paleo-weathering of the Devonian-Mississippian Catskill, Spechty Kopf, and Pocono Formations, Appalachian Basin, Pennsylvania, Geological Society of America Annual Meeting, Abstracts with Programs, v. 54 (3).
Ciaburri*, C.E., and Fleming, T.H. (2018) The Strontium Isotope Composition and Timing of Secondary Mineralization in the Orenaug Basalt from the Early Mesozoic Pomperaug Basin, Western Connecticut, Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs
Reilly*, K.E., Fleming, T.H., and Mocci*, B.R. (2018) Geochemical Composition of the South Brook Basalt from the early Mesozoic Pomperaug Basin, Western Connecticut, Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs
Kuna*, P.S., Knell, M.J., and Fleming, T.H. (2018) Validity of Playa Lacustrine Systems Based on Evaporite Presence Within The Sonsela Member of the Chinle Formation, Petrified Forest National Park, Arizona, Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs
Izzo*, Carrolyn, and Cynthia R. Coron (2015) Jurassic Lake Evolution Model Inferred from the Coe Limestone, Lower Shuttle Meadow Formation, Hartford Basin, Connecticut, Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs. Vol. 47, No. 7, p.754.
Izzo*, C., M. A. Piombino*, E. Peavey*, and J. A. Rumrill (2012). Preliminary water quality investigation using Enterococcus concentrations in tidal channels at Silver Sands State Park, Milford CT. Geological Society of America, Northeast Section meeting abstract, Vol. 44, No. 2.
Hanley*, K. P. and Fleming, T.H. (2010) Geochemical Affinity of Mesozoic Diabase dike segments in Bethany, CT, Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, Vol. 42, No. 1, p. 158
Arce Certa*, B. A., Coron, C. R. and Fleming, T. H. (2010) Field Relations, Petrography, and geochemistry of Lamprophyre dikes, Torrington, CT, Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, Vol. 42, No. 1, p. 158
Sherwood*, D. M., and Fleming, T.H. (2010) Petrographic and Geochemical Analysis of Quartzofeldspathic Bodies in the Sleeping Giant Intrusion Hartford Basin, CT, Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, Vol. 42, No. 1, p. 158
Liu*, J, Fleming, T.H., Day, D. (2009) Distribution of Trace Metals in Soils of the New Haven Green, Connecticut Conference on Natural Resources, Mar. 19, 2009 Storrs, CT
Fleming, T. H., Coron, C. R., Page*, D. F. (2009) Geochemistry/Hydrology of Contaminated Marshland, Milford CT, CSU Research Conference, April 4, 2009, SCSU, New Haven, CT
Fleming, T H, Grunow, A M, Priest*, J, Calhoun*, A, Marshak, S, and Whittington, A (2006) Magnetic Anisotropy in Ferrar Sills from the Upper Taylor Glacier Region, Southern Victoria Land, Antarctica. 10th annual Connecticut State University Faculty Research Conference Abstract Volume, October 14, 2006, Western Connecticut State University. p 26.
Grunow, A M, Fleming, T H, Priest*, J, Calhoun*, A, Marshak, S, and Whittington, A (2005) Magnetic Anisotropy in Ferrar Sills from the Upper Taylor Glacier Region, Southern Victoria Land, Antarctica. Eos Trans. AGU, 86(52), Fall Meet Suppl.
Fleming, T H, Elliot, D H, and Calhoun*, A. (2005) A Geographic Variations in Chilled Margin Chemistry of Jurassic Dolerite Intrusions in the Dry Valley Region of South Victoria Land, Antarctica. Eos Trans. AGU, 86(52), Fall Meet Suppl.
Coron, C.R., T. H. Fleming, L. Page* (2005) Anthropogenic Trace Metals In Tidal Marsh Sediments, Silver Sands State Park, Milford, CT, Connecticut State University Faculty Research Conference Abstract Volume, Central Connecticut State University.
Calhoun*, A. T. H. Fleming, S. Marshak, A. Whittington and A. Grunow (2005) Geochemistry of Jurassic dolerite intrusions in the upper Taylor Glacier Region, South Victoria Land, Antarctica. Geological Society of America, Abstracts with Programs, Vol. 37, No. 1, p. 60.
Dias*, S., L. Page*. T. H. Fleming and C. R. Coron (2005) Anthropogenic Trace Metals in Tidal Marsh Sediments, Silver Sands State Park, Milford, CT. Geological Society of America, Abstracts with Programs, Vol. 37, No. 1, p. 62.
Coron, C. R., T. H. Fleming and L. Page (2004) Trace metal concentrations in tidal marsh sediments Fletcher's and Nettleton Creeks, Milford, CT. 7th Biennial Long Island Sound Research Conference Proceedings, Long Island Sound Foundation p.102.
D’Addio*, J., Andrighetti*, J., Calhoun*, A., Williams*, S. and Coron, C., (2004) Magnetic Signatures of Dikes And Faults in the Subsurface, New Haven and Vicinity: Geological Society Of America, Northeastern Section, Abstracts With Programs, Vol.36, No.2, Pp.104.
Priest*, J., C. Coron, and T. H. Fleming (2003) Distribution of Peperites in the Wallingford-Northford, CT, area, Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, 35(3): 92.
Cooper*, J., Coron, C. R. and Lee-Gorishti*, Y. (2003) Fault Sequencing Within The Southern Hartford Basin, Northford, CT: Geological Society Of America, Abstracts With Programs, Pp. 27-28, Vol. 35, No. 3.
Lee-Gorishti*, Y., C. Coron, J. Cooper*, and T. Fleming (2003) Characterization of Flows and Dikes in Northford, CT., Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, 35(3): 6.
Lamoureux*, D., J. Priest*, T. Fleming, and C. Coron (2002) Anthropogenic Heavy Metal Contamination in Tidal Marsh Sediments, Fletcher's Creek, Milford, CT, Sixth Biennial Long Island Sound / New England Estuarine Society Research Conference, October 24-26, 2002, University of Connecticut, Groton, CT.
Priest*, J., C. R. Coron, and T. H. Fleming (2002) Origin of Basalt Breccias in the Fairhaven Dike system, Wallingford, CT. Connecticut State University Faculty Research Conference Abstract Volume, Southern Connecticut State University.
Carbone*, L., J. Mancinone*, and T. H. Fleming (2002) Distribution of trace metals in the sediments from the Wintergreen Brook drainage basin, Hamden, CT. Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs.
Lamoureux*, D. Jr., J. Priest*, T.H. Fleming, and C.R. Coron (2002) Anthropogenic heavy metal contamination in tidal marsh sediments, Fletcher’s Creek, Milford, CT. Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs
Priest*, J., C. R. Coron, and T. H. Fleming (2001) Origin of Basalt Breccias in the Fairhaven Dike system, Wallingford, CT. Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs.
Coron, C.R., K. Becker*, J. Cooper*, D. Lamoureux*, J. Priest*, R. Rushworth*, G. Setkoski* (2000) Site Assessment of the Silver Sands State Park Debris Field, Milford, CT., 5th Biennial Long Island Sound / New England Estuarine Society Research Conference, University of Connecticut, Stanford, CT pp. 125-130.
Slason*, E., C. R. Coron, (2000) Impact of Landfill Leachate on a Restricted Tidal Marsh of the Sybil Creek Watershed, Branford, CT. 5th Biennial Long Island Sound / New England Estuarine Society Research Conference, University of Connecticut, Stanford, CT pp. 145-148.