Undergraduate Program - Communication Disorders
The Bachelor of Science in Communication Disorders is a pre-professional degree designed primarily for students who anticipate earning a master's or doctoral degree, state licensure and national certification as speech-language pathologists or audiologists.
The program's mission is to prepare graduates for entrance into advanced study in communication disorders. The degree may also be helpful for entrance into other academic programs, human services professions, or special education. Students who complete the degree requirements and do not intend to pursue a graduate degree may find immediate entry into positions such as speech assistant, paraprofessional, or aide in public and private school systems. The program prepares the undergraduate learner for life-long inquiry, leadership, and adaptation to change, through exposure to state-of-the-art instructional techniques which embrace questioning, interaction, assessment, and communication. Dedicated to excellence in academic preparation, the program is committed to an outcomes-based education. Through formative and summative assessments, students demonstrate acquired knowledge and skills based on program objectives.
Communication Disorders Clinical Observation Procedures
Observation FAQs
Guided Observation Forms
Observation Guidelines (students)
A student declares Communication Disorders as a major and must meet the following criteria to continue in the program:
Minimum GPA of 3.0 (taking into account grades from all universities attended).
Completion of the following courses with a grade of “B” or higher in each class:
CMD 200 — Introduction to Developmental Communication Disorders
CMD 201 — Introduction to Communication Disorders in Medical Settings
ENG 112— Writing Arguments
Following completion of CMD 200 or CMD 201 with a grade of B or better, the student will be eligible to take the second introductory course. Transfer students with at least 45 credits may be allowed to take both CMD 200 and CMD 201 in the same semester. A minimum grade of B in both of these courses must be achieved in order to continue with CMD course work.
After declaring a CMD major, the student must maintain a minimum 3.0 GPA both within the major and overall each semester. A student who fails to meet these criteria will not be eligible to continue taking CMD courses until they meet the GPA requirement. If they do not meet the GPA requirement the subsequent semester they will need to meet with an adviser in Academic Advisement to select another major. A student may return to the CMD major in a subsequent semester if both the department and overall GPAs are brought up to the requisite 3.0.
Students who do not maintain this GPA will no longer be considered as CMD majors and will not be able to register for classes in the major. Students who have registered for CMD courses in an upcoming semester will be required to drop those courses if they fail to achieve the required 3.0 GPA in the previous semester.
Students who are further along in their studies when they apply may not be able to complete their undergraduate degree in four years.
How many communication disorders courses are required for the undergraduate degree?
Eleven communication disorders courses are required in order to complete the undergraduate degree.
Is there a required Grade Point Average (GPA) in order to be an undergraduate student of of Communication Disorders?
Students must have a GPA of at least 3.0 in order to become CMD majors. A 3.0 GPA must be maintained departmentally and overall throughout the program.
Can I find employment with a bachelor's degree in communication disorders?
Students who complete the degree requirements and do not intend to pursue a graduate degree may find immediate entry into positions such as speech assistant, paraprofessional, or aide in public and private school systems. Students might also use this degree as a base for general educational and special education graduate studies or other human services professions, academic programs and clinical experiences.
Will I do "hands-on" clinical work as an undergraduate student?
Our undergraduate students do not provide "hands-on" clinical services. All undergraduate students are required to observe 25 hours of therapy as part of their program.
How are the 25 undergraduate observation hours obtained?
Students will obtain many of the 25 observation hours as part of their course work requirements. Observation hours may take place within the SCSU Center for Communication Disorders Clinic, through the Master Clinician Network, or at an outside site. The therapy must be conducted or supervised by a speech-language pathologist or audiologist who is certified by the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association.
How many students are accepted into the SCSU Communication Disorders master's program each year? Where are other master's programs located?
The SCSU Department of Communication Disorders master's program has an incoming annual class of approximately 40-45 students. There are numerous programs throughout the United States that offer master's degrees in communication disorders. For a complete listing of accredited programs, consult the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association (ASHA) web site.
I am a transfer student. Will I be able to graduate on time if I major in communication disorders?
Whether or not a student graduates "on time" (defined here as within four years after entering college) depends on many factors. The earlier a student begins the communication disorders program, the greater the chances of finishing on time. Transferring sophomores can usually complete the program and graduate within four years of starting college (taking at least 15 credits per semester), while juniors and seniors may typically need an additional semester or more in order to complete all requirements. However, if students are willing to take additional courses during the summer and/or spring or winter breaks, it is usually possible to accelerate completion of the program.
What is the role of the academic adviser in the Department of Communication Disorders?
The CMD academic adviser meets with all students at least twice a year, in order to plan courses for each semester. The adviser maps out the program so that students can anticipate when they will take each course. The adviser can also provide valuable career counseling for students.
Dr. Kelly Mabry, Undergraduate Advisor
Mailing Address
Department of Communication Disorders
Southern Connecticut State University
501 Crescent St., Davis Hall 012
New Haven, CT. 06515