Stuttering Lab at SCSU
Stuttering is a multi-faceted phenomenon. We are interested in understanding both intrinsic and extrinsic factors that are associated with stuttering. In particular, our current project focus on investigating the processes involved in multi-sensory integration in both adults and children who stutter. In the context of the societal factors, cultural perceptions of stuttering are of interest to us as they form the bases for cultural responsivity. We use a combination of neuro-imaging and behavioral data and collaborate extensively with clinicians to get a comprehensive view of stuttering.
Current Research
Please contact ramachandas1@southernct.edu if you are interested in participating in our projects.
Convergence of cultural responsivity and telepractice in a time of social distancing
This study aims to gain a better understanding of the work environment of speech language pathologist during social distancing. We will be collecting information on caseload, client demographics and service delivery using a survey that should require you around 10 minutes to complete.
Participate in Work environment of SLPs During Social Distancing Survey
Ethnographic Study on cross-cultural perception of stuttering
The purpose of this study is to conduct formative research to understand the perceptions of stuttering in the subcultures of the Hispanic Americans in order to inform culturally responsive services. This project is in collaboration with Lourdes Ramos-Heinrichs, a Board Certified Fluency specialist.
A survey on Stuttering - English Version
A Survey on Stuttering - Spanish Version
Sensory processing in children who stutter
This project investigates the ability to process multi-sensory information sensory in children who stutter. Parents or caregivers of children who do and do not stutter between the ages 1-30 years will complete the Sensory Profile 2 and temperamental scales.
A phenomenological study of neurogenic stuttering
A case study that examines the development and progression of stuttering following a neurological event. It will also shed light on the effectiveness of treatment strategies.
Sujini Ramachandar, PhD, CCC-SLP is an assistant professor at Southern Connecticut State University. Her research focuses on neurological differences associated with stuttering. She is also interested in cultural competence/responsiveness when working with culturally diverse clients. She has extensive experience working with children and adults who stutter, providing parent and family education, and collaborating with other disciplines. In addition to teaching and research, she serves as the Co-Clinical director of Camp Words Unspoken, a residential summer camp for children who stutter.
Nelson Bravo is a master’s student in the department for communication disorders (CMD) at Southern Connecticut State University (SCSU). He received his B.A in Psychology from the University of Hartford. His research interests revolve around fluency disorders and multicultural considerations in management, intervention, and assessment of stuttering. He is currently working with Dr. Ramachandar on different projects connected to distinct areas of stuttering. His professional goals after finishing my program at SCSU are to become a certified practicing clinician and to pursue doctoral research training in fluency disorders.
- National Stuttering Association
- The Stuttering Foundation
- Stutter Talk
- Stuttering Therapy Resources
- Stuttering Association for the Young
- Camp Words Unspoken
Peer Reviewed Publications
Yaruss, J. S., Lee, J., Kikani, K. B., Leslie, P., Herring, C., Ramachandar, S., Tichenor, S., Quesal, R.W., & McNeil, M. R. (2017). Update on Didactic and Clinical Education in Fluency Disorders: 2013–2014. American Journal of Speech-Language Pathology, 26(1), 124-137.
Peer Reviewed Presentations
Ramachandar, S., Parfitt, M., Moncrieff, D. Does Telepractice Benefit Everyone? Factors that Determine Candidacy for Telepractice Poster Presentation at 2019 ASHA Convention 2019, Orlando, FL.
Ramachandar, S. & Hammond., Sensory Processing: Another Piece in the Stuttering Puzzle, Poster Presentation at 2019 ASHA Convention, Orlando FL
Cook, B., Buckley, S., Ramachandar, S. The Clinical Feedback Instructional Tool (C-FIT): Clear and Targeted Feedback for Effective Ongoing Clinical Instruction. Oral presentation at ASHA Convention 2019, Orlando, FL.
Ramachandar, S., & Yaruss, J.S., Anomalous Neural Connections Between Sensorimotor Regions in People who Stutter, Poster Presentation at 2019 Boston Speech Motor Control Symposium, Boston, MA
Ramachandar, S., Walls, S., Coffman, B., & Yaruss, J.S. MEG Analysis of Functional Activation Differences in People Who Stutter, Poster Presentation at 2018 ASHA Convention, Boston, MA.
Ramachandar, S., & Yaruss, J.S. Neural Underpinnings of Sensorimotor Dysfunction Associated with Stuttering. Oral Presentation at 2018 ASHA Convention, Boston, MA.
Ramachandar, S., Parfitt, M., & Moncrieff, D., Parent Education trhough Telepractice. Oral Presentation at 2016 ASHA Convention. Philadelphia PA
Ramachandar, S., Pathak, S., Schneider, W., & Yaruss, J.S. Structural neural connectivity of the speech production network using HDFT. Poster presentation at ASHA Convention 2015, Denver Colorado.
Ramachandar, S., Parfitt, M., & Moncrieff, D. Benefits of Parent Education via Teletherapy on Speech and Language Outcomes in Children with Hearing Loss. Oral Presentation at 2014 ASHA Convention, Orlando, FL.
Invited Presentations
The Therapy in Teletherapy: Benefits of Parent Education via Teletherapy on Speech and Language Outcomes in Children with Hearing Loss. Oral Presentation at 2015 PSHA revisited, Pittsburgh PA.
The Therapy in Teletherapy: Benefits of Parent Education via Teletherapy on Speech and Language Outcomes in Children with Hearing Loss. Oral Presentation at 2015 Audiology Clinical Seminar Series, Pittsburgh, PA.