Student Learner Outcomes
The assessment system touches almost every aspect of the university -- academic affairs, student affairs, alumni affairs, academic and career advising, accreditation of the university and programs, internal academic program review, special programs, and grant-funded research projects.
Characteristics of Southern's assessment system
The intent of Southern’s assessment system is to consider the whole general education program, and not to repeat mistakes made in the past which looked at individual departments and programs in isolation from one another.
Assessment process
Assessment philosophy; Students are involved in assessment at the university; The process of developing surveys and assessments; Use of data in decision making; An effective strategy for communicating data findings; Determining whether changes at the university yield positive outcomes: Vertical and Horizontal Integration.
Alignment of Student Learner Outcomes
Southern's assessment system is based on verifiable statements of what students are expected to gain, achieve, demonstrate, or know by the time they complete their academic programs.
A coherent system: Linking the multiple layers of assessment activities
The Office of Assessment and Planning conducts longitudinal, cohort studies in which data from multiple assessment activities are analyzed.
Benchmarks and comparison with peers
Southern regularly participates in innovative assessment initiatives that provide benchmarks for comparison and peer comparisons.
List of peer institutions
Southern has adopted a set of peer institutions to use for benchmarks and comparisons.
Sharing results
The Office of Assessment and Planning shares results about current campus-level assessments in easily accessible formats.
What students gain from a Southern education
Evidence of student learning.
Use of Campus-Level Evidence of Student Learning
The university's longitudinal, cohort datasets are mined for actionable data.